How to Order a Paperback/Hardcover Copy!

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Hi everyone ! I'm so excited to get another physical book out for y'all. This is one of my favorites, and in the physical copy, I've added a smut scene, as well as talk of stimming, which is a physical tick that manifests as a repetitive motion to calm one's nerves.

Both my fiancé and I are on the spectrum, and this book is one he talks about often. Because of him, a sequel will be coming out of this book. There is no timeline yet, but ideas are in motion.

To order a paperback or hardcover copy of Falling Slowly:

1. Go to

2. Searh- LH Stylinson Falling Slowly

3. Pick which copy you'd like !

If Amazon is weird with search, here is the link if you are unable to find it.

Falling Slowly:

Thank you so much !! ❤️

Falling Slowly (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now