Chapter 2 - Worries

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"Yeah probably, they haven't said much about it recently though. I just hope he's okay."

It was always obvious to me that June actually liked my brother, unlike the rest of my friends who liked him because he's 'hot'. Well whatever if June likes him I have no problem with it. I just hope if they dated it would work out. Anyways, our party is tomorrow and I could not be anymore excited! There's goin to be a DJ and lots of people from school, it should be pretty amazing!

June and Noah are coming home with me after school. I guess I could consider Noah one of my best friends too, even though she could never top June. "Hey June, do you want to go to the bathroom with me?" I know I know it's weird by you know how girls are, so no one thought anything about it. She nodded with a smiled and we stood up from the lunch table.

"What's up buttercup?" She said once we got into the bathroom. We both laughed at her weird nickname for me before I asked her, "Well I know how most of you guys think Riley is pretty cute right?" She laughed and nodded, her cheeks glowing pink. "Yeah I guess we do.. It makes it kind of hard for those who actually like him.." She said cautiously. I guess she was trying to gauge my reaction about her half admitting to liking Ri. Wow that's weird concept to me. I laughed. "June! You like Riley!" I didn't think it was possible but her cheeks grew redder. "I do not!" She said. I gave her my best I know you're lying face and she gave in. "Okay maybe a little.. But so what? Everybody else likes him and he's one of the most popular guys at school! He would never go for me. Plus he's your brother, that would never work!" Her voice was high and she was talking fast and I knew she was nervous and uncomfortable. "So what? I would totally love it I mean if you guys got married we would be sisters in law." I nudged her shoulder and winked. She laughed. "Really? You would really be okay with it?" "Yeah why not? As long as it didn't mess up our friendship, I wouldn't mind at all. I kind of knew you liked hi already. He might go for you! He's known you since we were little and you guys have always had this kind if flirty thing going on! Go for it. Ask him to dance at the party tomorrow!" I said realizing I was rambling on. She was staring at me an then we both laughed. "Okay ill go for it. Thanks Cami!" She said hugging me. She calls me Cami sometimes. I don't know why but its fine with me.

I can't believe it! My brother and my best friend? Yes! It will be awesome! I jut hope he says yes, I don't want her to get upset.

My friends and I are popular, but by no means some of the most popular. Riley is popular because of his band and his hot friends. In terms of just Riley and I, we rank in the same place, probably the second most popular people in school because we are both pretty musically enhanced. But in our groups, it's different. But a good kind of different.

***Riley POV***

The rest of the day went slow, and all I could think about was that text. But guess who got a B on their math test? Me! That's right Riley Kyle finally did good on a test.

Well either way its finally time to get out of here. Much to my dismay, leaving school then meant getting on the damn bus. I hate that thing more than you can understand. It meant sitting there with a bunch of annoying dorks and my sister because Alex doesn't ride the bus in the afternoon. But at least today there's someone to stare at. Camden's hot friends are riding the bus. Noah may be hot, but June is amazing. It's probably weird to be crushing on my sisters friend, but I am. Big time. She'll never feel the same way, but a guy can dream right.

She turned around in her seat and smiled at me. We've always kind of flirted with each other, probably more in a playful way to her. But to me, I meant every nice word I said to her. Calling her beautiful was not just a silly joke to me but she always laughed at me, with no harm intended. Oh we'll hopefully it will mean something to her someday.

White DuskOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora