How About a Butler?

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Elysia's POV

I wake up, my hair messy as I sit up in my bed, the covers falling off my body. I rub my eyes and look around, like I'm staring at my room for the first time. I sigh and get up, glancing out the window, the swans frolicking in our pond. Yes, our pond. I live with my best friend, Valerie, who is an unnecessarily cheery girl. I go to my bathroom as I brush my teeth and get ready for the day. I take a warm, relaxing shower, and about 30 mins later, I walk out, feeling refreshed. I dry my hair and brush it, slipping on a black sweatshirt and a gray skirt, just because. 

I walk downstairs when I'm all ready, seeing Valerie already in the kitchen. 

"There you are! I was just thinking about asking you something," she says, in her usual chipper voice, her rose pink eyes shining. 

"Great. What is it?" I ask, walking past her and opening the fridge. 

"We should get a personal chef! It'd be great because neither of us can cook to save our lives, and we won't need to order takeout all the time. What do you say?" she asks eagerly, her eyes following me. 

We do not need a personal chef.
"Sounds like you're telling me instead of asking. But I disagree. First of all, they're expensive, and it doesn't sound like a great idea for people to be living with us. We need to learn how to cook for ourselves," I say, scouring the fridge for anything to eat, as I groan. "We need to go to the store..."

"Okay sure.. but what if like.. They didn't live with us? We have a ton of space, and we can afford it! Please just consider it? Please, Elysia?" she says, pleading with me, as I roll my eyes at her. "I'll see."

She smiles, her smile lighting up the whole room, and also lifting my gloomy mood a bit. Only a bit. I sigh for the second time today and walk back up to my room, as there's nothing edible to eat in the fridge. Valerie walks to the living room and cuts on a rom-com, which is basically all she watches. I close the door to my room, sitting on my bed and grabbing my phone. Deciding to indulge in her ridiculousness, I search for a butler instead. We need a lot of other things to be done for us as well, so why not just get a butler? (Even though a butler would still require them to live with you, but we'll ignore that). I scroll through different people's resumes, uninterested with all of them. Until I find one, or two exactly. There's basically a two for one deal. I click on the resume and description of them, intrigued already from the very pleasing picture. I read the resume and find out that they're best friends, but sworn brothers. Their names are Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu. It doesn't cost too much to hire them, and they seem pretty good, so I decide to show it to Valerie.

I walk out of my room and go downstairs, sitting next to her on the couch, as she looks at me confused, since she knows how much I hate rom-coms. 

"No, I'm not here to watch this with you. I came to you because I found a butler, or butlers that would suit us, so take a look," I say, showing her my phone. She looks at it, her eyes immediately widening. 

"Fuji... They look amazing! Especially the white-haired one... Oh my goodness- they're real eye candy," she says, clearly already infatuated through a picture. I groan. 

"We are not here to drool over them. I'll book them for an... interview I guess. It says they're available for one in thirty minutes. Sound good?" I ask, glancing at her.

"That's more than enough! I better go get ready then," she says, beaming as she practically runs upstairs to make herself prettier than she already is. 

I sigh (again) and walk to my room, deciding to try and look nice too. I take off the sweatshirt and put on a more form-fitting shirt, as I tuck it into the skirt. I keep my hair the same, walking back downstairs and sitting on the couch, as I wait for Valerie to get ready. 

A few minutes later, she walks downstairs, wearing a pink and white dress, her light red hair in cute braids with butterfly hairclips. 

"You look as cute as ever. I see you dressed up?" I say, raising an eyebrow as she sits next to me.

She laughs. "Yup! I wanna make a good impression."

"Right... Okay, so let's come up with some questions to ask them," I say, bringing out a piece of paper and looking at it in thought. "We'll ask the basic questions of course, but what else should we ask...?"

She puts her index finger on her chin in thought. "Hm.. Well, you know, maybe if they're comfortable living here, with us? And if they have allergies.. Other typical stuff."

"Alright. Now to wait," I say, leaning back on the couch. 

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