chapter twenty-nine

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The dinner was awkward, with forced laughs and awkward smiles. Milo had brought his new wife and other son, Chaz, striker's brother.

Moxxie was silent looking between the two older males who spoke boredly. His tail twitched as he cut into his food slowly, his yellow eyes focused down on his plate.

Chaz didn't bother eating, too busy making sex jokes to even do that much to the displeasure of crimson, you and striker who were all miserable with him.

Your plate of food growing cold as you mindlessly pick at it as Chaz talks to you, tossing sex jokes into the mix making you miserable. Your brows remained furrowed forward and your eyes remained on your plate with a bored expression.

"Chaz," your dad started with a forced smile, "how about you, shut the fuck up before you end up the them." He pointed to the person in a body bag wiggling around as they're dragged to the basement level. "Because I can tell you damn well you ain't even comin' out of that basement if you go in."

Chaz didn't even looked faze, like he thought that was an empty threat. "What? To your sex dungeon?" He said in a mocking and condescending tone, crimson gritted his teeth his yellow eyes cold boring holes into Chaz as loud screams came from the basement before going silent. "Would ya like to find out? Because I can arrange that too... Right now." He said in his own condescending tone.

Chaz gulped, shrinking in his seat finally eating his food. Milo looked up from his plate, "so, I heard y/n and striker are finally dating. About time,"

Crimson freezes mid bite, his eyes immediately going to you who was also frozen mid chew, you kept your eyes on the plate, not daring to look up and chance fate. "Oh? Really? Well huh." He started, setting the fork down as your mother looked at crimson then back at you, nervousness in her red eyes.

"Well, why haven't I heard about this little development, y/n?" he asked in a warning tone, Milo hummed, setting his fork down as he wiped his mouth with a napkin, "she didn't tell you? Well... How odd,"

Crimson turned his cold gaze to striker, he didn't show it but he was practically foaming at the mouth. "Well, why didn't you tell me, striker?" Striker coughed slightly, taking a sip of his water. "Uh- we planned on telling you after the dinner. Where there's nothing sharp, and a potential danger to my health." He turned to give his own Father a glare, "but some people can't keep there mouths shut," he spoke with irritation, his western voice drawling out.

You laughed nervously taking a sip of water to calm yourself. "Ahem!- anyways. Dad how was your day?" You questioned changing the subject fast.

Crimson hummed going back to eating whilst glaring at you and striker. "Fine." You laughed nervously again, your wings twitching nervously behind you as you forced yourself to eat and be silent.

Moxxie looked up at you with a frown, "wait- you're dating, striker? Why him of all imps!" He said, pointing at striker in confusion. "There- there was blitzø, sure he couldn't spell but I'm pretty sure he had a thing for you. Then you had fizzarolli who definitely had it bad for you and I'm pretty sure you had that Millie girl too who... Also likes me, but that's besides the point you had three good choices!"

Your raise a brow at your brother, "Millie? The girl from gym class who's always lifting weights? That one? Ain't she dating you? Ew, no way am I getting into a poly relationship with her and my own brother." You said with a shake of your head going back to eating.

"And besides, I only kinda started to like-like blitzø, as for fizzarolli I only see him as a friend." You said with a shrug, striker looked up from his plate a frown on his pale peach colored lips. "Wait... Blitzø? Blitzø wasn't he that imp with... Spellin' issues?" He questioned confused. "You were gonna settle for him?" You rolled your eyes.

"So what if he has spelling issues. I actually might have just told blitzø my feelings up front." Striker frowned setting his fork down halfway finished with his food. "Wait. How long have you been crushin' on him for?" You don't answer and instead shoveled more food into your mouth.

His brows furrowed forward tail lashing behind him, "no. No you can't run from this question y/n." He said in a scolding manner, now it was crimson's and Milo's turn to feel out of place.

"Does it matter?" You question swallowing your food as you took a sip of your water as striker nodded, "yeah!"

"Does it really matter though?" You question again setting your cup down as striker glared at you. "Quit buying time y/n. Answer the question... Please," his gaze softened up as you sighed out, looking at the clock quickly. "Are you sure? I mean-"

"Y/n. Answer." He said in a dominant manner. You sighed, "...three years,"

Striker tsked, "so, I'm competing with an imp who can't spell?" He said bitterly, going back to eating as you rolled your eyes at his attitude. "It's not even competition striker. I'm dating you, not blitzø."

"But you still like him?" He questioned you, food falling off his fork. "Yes- no! I mean no. You just caught me off guard," you repeated, shaking your head, "I only like blitzø as a friend, nothing more... Anymore."

Striker groaned exasperated, "... Are you lyin' to me?" He questioned staring straight at you.

Crimson awkwardly ate in silence, debating on whether or not he should even speak. "No." You answer defensively, eating your food.

"... Yeah, okay, you're definitely lyin' to me." He said going back to eating as you sighed.

"I'm not lying to you." You said, still unconvincing as you take a sip of your almost empty cup of water. "... I may have only just started dating you y/n. But I ain't no idiot, I've known you all my life." He spoke, finishing his plate of food.

"... Now you're just being sensitive and insecure striker," you spoke also finishing your plate as your mother smiled, looking at the two of you before speaking up. "Awh! Look at that! You'll guys will get on just fine!"

Word count 1090
I have inspiration! So expect longer chapters and perhaps two chapters a day.

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