Chapter 2 ☆

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You did not know what to do.

You were stuck.

"Let go of me!" Shouted Lo'ak, hissing at one of the guys with glasses.  

"agh!" I groaned, the man behind me was pulling on my braid, gripping it with his 4 fingers. Think (reader) Think! You said to yourself, you did not know what to do. It was a life-or-death situation, mostly death. One of the taller guys started to talk to Lo'ak, Spider was talking to someone, and Tuk was crying while Kiri tried to comfort her.

You did not know what to do, you were shaking, and every bone in your body felt like it was to burst out. You did not know how long you had to live for, 2 seconds? or 4 minutes if they showed mercy?

Tears were pooling in your eyes. You were scared yet you had a strong face on, glaring at them angrily, deep down you knew that you were terrified but you had to be strong, at least for the time being, for them.

"What do you want from us!?" You shouted. "Oh? This little bird finally spoke up huh?" said one of the blue guys, laughing at you while pointing the gun at your forehead.

You looked down, Neytiri and Jake are coming soon, let's hope that we won't be death meat by the time they reach here...

seconds have turned into minutes, minutes turn into hours. 

You were still here, you had dried tears on your face, as you looked down at the ground. You heard Kiri praying to Eywa, but for some reason, you had no more hope, you knew that you were gonna die right there in that forest.

 You closed your eyes for a moment, you were exhausted, you were on your knees and in that very position for hours, your nears were hurting and you felt that they would bruise.


You opened your eyes in shock, and you heard it, your Mother's call, it was close yet far away from you, your Mother trained all of you. She said when there was a place where she couldn't speak, she would make a call. 

You were smiling, happy that your mom came to save you all. "What are you smiling about, brat?" as he pulled your braid making you whimper.

You looked at Kiri, giving her a painful smile, she was smiling back at you but she was worried about you, you went true a lot of pain before from the sky people, that's what Neytiri told her. 

You lost your parents, they were killed right in front of you. You were experiencing it again, it must be traumatic for you, she thought. 

Kiri was praying to Eywa, making the guy behind her pull her braid "Shut up!" he said.

Suddenly an arrow shot him, making Lo'ak release the green gas from one of the guy's jackets and biting him. I bit the arm of the man who was holding me, making him groan in pain.

"GO! GO! GO!" shouted Lo'ak as we all started to run away, I was panting, my legs were sore, and my head was hurting, but I couldn't give up now, not when my life was at risk.

One of the guys grabbed Kiri's braid making her groan, but before I could do anything to save her an arrow was shot through his head.

"Kiri come!" I said, holding out my hand as she grabbed it, running together.

You and Kiri continued to run, your lungs were starting to burn.

"Is that you Mrs. Sully? I recognized your calling card!" asked Quaritch, loading up his gun. 

There was only silence.

"Why don't you come on out, Mrs. Sully?" Asked Quaritch.  "You and I got some unfinished business." He continued as he finished loading up his gun.

"Demon!" Shouted Neytiri, "I will kill you as many times as I have to!" She continued.

"I guess you and Corporal have been pretty busy, haven't you?" Asked Quaritch.

"Dropped yourself a whole litter of half-breeds?" Continued Quaritch, making Neytiri scowl.

"Hell, you even have someone who is from another clan!" Said Quaritch, obviously talking about you.

A guy was creeping behind Neytiri, about to shoot her when suddenly he got shot on by Neteyam.

You and Kiri were still running, you were getting lost, and you did not know where Lo'ak, Tuk, or Spider was.

You were panicking, "Calm down (reader)" said Kiri as she guided you through the forest.

"Wait it's Spider!" I shouted when I saw him on the ground, I was about to get him but Quaritch was taking him with him.

"Spider no!" I shouted trying to get him back, "Reader, no!" said Kiri grabbing my hand "It's too dangerous," she said as her voice cracked, you knew how close Spider and Kiri were.

"Mom!" Shouted Tuk, as she came running. "Tuk!" Said Neytiri as she hugged her while Tuk started to cry.

You were breathing heavily, you were scared to death. "Reader, you're alright!" Said Neteyam as he came running to you.

"Neteyam!" I said as I hugged him. "I'm so glad that you are ok!" He said as he rubbed my back, trying to comfort me.

Neteyam kissed my forehead,  you did not give it much thought as he does it every time to you, maybe it was a way to show his care or something? 

"Reader!" Shouted Neytiri, oh shit...You were in big trouble. She grabbed you from Neteyam, making Neteyam look at Neytiri, "Go easy on her Mom" Said Neteyam knowing how Neytiri gets mad.

"What did I tell you about going to the forest!" scolded Neytiri as she grabbed my shoulders. "I'm sorry Mom..." I replied. She sighed frustratedly. "It's ok my child, at least you are okay." She said before giving me the tightest hug.

"Reader are you ok!?" Asked Jake, as he hugged me. "Yes, I am fine" I replied to him making him smile. 

Jake let go of me and hugged Kiri, comforting her. I smiled at the scene, it made me remember my real parents...

"Reader?" said Lo'ak as he went up to me. "Yah?" I replied. "are you ok? You seem sad, look I'm sorry about bringing you here-" I caught him off by hugging him tightly, "No need to apologize Lo'ak, I'm ok" I replied.

"We should go," said Neteyam as he grabbed my arm. "It's not safe here" continued Neteyam as we all started to walk back to the ikrans.

Lo'ak glared at Neteyam, knowing damn well that he was just jealous. "Reader, come with me" Said Neytiri, making you hold her hand.

Neteyam walked to Lo'ak "You should stay away from her, baby brother." whispered Neteyam to Lo'ak.

"Shut up." Replied Lo'ak as he walked away.

Hey, Ya'll! Sorry for not posting in a while, I was very busy with school and I had no time to write, Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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