Missing Heart- Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

    Mare had been walking for days. Her feet were bloody but she didn’t care. It was a constant reminder of this hell of a life that was hers. A life she wished she knew more about but couldn’t remember.

    Ten years ago, Mare had woken up in the woods behind a house that was smoldering. Her back was in constant pain and the skin was tight. Even her head hurt. When she touched her head, she found a small yet long piece of wood lodged in her head.

    It took her over an hour to pry that piece of wood out. What shocked her more was that she didn’t bleed to death from it. She figured it was went through her memory area of her mind which meant she couldn’t remember anything before she woke.

    She found out that what she felt about her back was a severe burn along the full length of her back. She had wondered it that house that burnt down was her home. But she hadn’t stayed long to see if so because a huge group of people were cheering the flames on. She became frightened and ran.

    At the time she thinks she was twelve with her best estimation. From that day forth she was a gypsy traveling from place to place with no home. Every so often she would get this feeling that she needed to run and she did. Its kept her live for ten years.

    She felt like there was someplace she needed to get to get to, but couldn’t remember where. Who was the blurred faced boy in her memory? The one always there in her dreams in different places. Why did she feel alone till she saw him even if she wouldn’t be able to identify him in real life?

    That was the only bright time in her life. The rest of the time she had to deal with the torments of the outside world. In ten years, she has been whipped for being falsely accused of thieving when she was just passing through and was no where near the vender. Or being attacked by guys who want nothing more than to rape her. Over the time the scars on her back have been added to through so many situations.

    Now she was passing through a forest when it parted and her breathe caught. Before her reaching out open was a beautiful wildflower field. A tear fell from her eyes unknowingly. It reminded her of her latest dream of a wildflower with her mysterious blurred boy.

    She started to walk through the field where she graced the flowers with her finger tips. Each touch calmed her and relaxed her like she never have been before. She wants to stay her for the rest of her miserable life.

    She reached the center and fell down to lay looking up to the sky. The moon was full and a bit silver that night. She liked the look of the moon and savored every minute she got to stop and just look at it while it was full. Something about looking up at it made her heart skip a beat. It almost looked magical to her.

    Before she knew what was happening, her eyes were sliding shut and she was drifting to sleep. The wildflower field just had the most relaxing aroma and presence to it. The scent wrapped her up in the most blissful feeling and feeling of daja-vue.

    As if only a second passed, she was jolted awake by people grabbing her. “It is against the law to enter this field my dear.” A man missing a few teeth said as he grinned at her. “But you are in luck young lass, a client of mine is in need of a woman like you for a present to his friend.” He held up a band in his hands.

    What he held was called a halo. A device that made anyone, man or woman, be able to be controlled completely by someone wearing its counterpart transmitter band. It was developed for criminals after prisons were proving more and more unreliable. Now anyone with money used them for their own pleasure.

    I thrashed trying to prevent them from haloing me with that thing. His guys held me even tighter as he slipped the halo under my hair and in place. The two tips of the halo stuck to her temples with a pinch. The center of the back pinched at the area just under the base of her scull. She screamed for a second before it activated.

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