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Name: Kaiden Storm

Age: 22 

Gender: Male

Date of birth: June 15th

Occupation: Pilot/paladin of the purple lion, Member of the Blade of Marmora


Appearance: Kaiden is a striking individual, inheriting the features from both his human and galra heritage. He stands at an impressive height (6'4) and is lean and athletic.  Kaiden's hair is a deep navy, falling in thick waves that frame his face.

Galra form: His skin has a slightly ducky complexion, a testament to his mixed heritage.  His piercing yellow eyes hold an intensity that can be both intimidating and captivating. He bears the unmistakable galra markings on his face, a reminder of his hidden identity.

Human form: Kaiden has peachy skin with distinct red facial markings that resemble his galra markings but, are concealed in a different color. Unlike his piercing yellow eyes, in his human form, they appear more hazel.


Personality: Kaiden is a determined and fiercely loyal individual. He possesses a strong sense of justice and fights relentlessly for the causes he believes in. Despite the struggles he faces as a half-gala, Kaiden remains optimistic and determined to prove himself worthy of the trust placed in him. He can be a bit tense due to his hidden identity but is protective of his friends and teammates.

Strengths: Kaiden is an exceptional pilot and possesses impressive combat skills, having been trained by the Blade of Marmora. His mixed heritage is what breaks the stereotype of galrans in society.

Weaknesses: Kaiden's hidden galra heritage occasionally causes internal conflicts and self-doubt. He is overly self-critical due to his other half, making it difficult for him to open up to others.

Abilities: Kaiden possesses enhanced strength, agility, and endurance as a result of his galra heritage. He is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and an expert with various weapons. As a pilot, he has exceptional reflexes and a clear understanding of the mechanics of his lion.

Backstory: Kaiden was born among the Galra species but was separated from his family at a young age due to the ongoing conflict. He was taken in by the Blade of Marmora, who trained him in combat and piloting skills. Discovering the purple lion and joining the paladins of Voltron gave him a chance to fight back against the empire that had torn his life apart. Kaiden keeps his galra heritage a secret, fearing the potential consequences of revealing it.

Habits: Kaiden has a habit of running his fingers through his hair when deep in thought. He also has a fondness for stargazing, finding solace and inspiration in the vastness of the cosmos. He always tries to find time to go look at the stars when he has a day off.

Favorites: Kaiden is often under a lot of stress during his time at the Blade, so he enjoys listening to music, particularly soothing melodies that help him relax and clear his mind. He has a preference for spicy foods and enjoys exploring new dishes every time he travels. Sometimes in the middle of the night, he asks Hunk to teach him how to cook some dishes from Earth.



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