chapter 1 - my lover

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"You're my, my, my, my lover."

James POV:

"James!" I hear a feminine voice say. I spin around, only to meet eyes with my beautiful girlfriend, Betty.

Betty was a tall, slender girl, about 5'8. She had long, chestnut colored hair, with gorgeous emerald eyes.  She had a cute button nose, along with light pink lips. She was absolutely breath-taking. I was so lucky to call her mine.

Betty runs up to me and engulfs me into a big hug, almost knocking me over. "Hi baby," I say with a slight laugh.

"I'm so happy this is our last day." She says, letting go of me.

"Me too. I can't believe we'll be seniors next school year, though." I say with slight shock.

She tucks a piece of her wavy hair behind her pierced ears and nods. "I agree. Anyways, we still on for smoothies tonight and go watch a movie at the drive in?"

"Of course. It's our tradition." I grin. We've been grabbing smoothies from one of our local coffee shops and going to a drive in since our freshman year when we first got together.

"Yay! Anyways, I have to go to biology. See you at after school." She smiles, gives me a light peck on the cheek, and then meets up with her best friend, Inez.

I wave as she walks off with Inez. I've always thought Inez was annoying, with her ginger hair and her big mouth, she was always trying to create issues between Betty and I.

Going to a big school where it was fed off of drama, it was hard for rumors not to be spread, even though they weren't even true. Inez was the type of girl who knew everything about everyone. She was in everyone's business. Once Inez heard something say anything remotely negative about me, it was reported back to Betty.

However, I think Betty just stopped letting it get to her. She knows I love her more than I love myself, and her needs are always prioritized over my own, so there was no need to worry.

Considering that it was our last day, I didn't need anything for class. I slammed my empty locker shut, and I just had my phone in my back pocket.

I get into class and sit next to a couple of my buddies. We were all talking about next football season, how we're going to be seniors, and everything else. But I couldn't get engaged in the conversation as my phone kept buzzing.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket only to receive numerous messages from my mother.

James honey
When you get home, we need to talk
I want you to have your little date with Betty though
I will tell you tonight when you're home

Curious, I quickly type back:

Just tell me now
What's up?

I anxiously await my mothers' response. I started to pick at the skin on the sides of my nails. I assume my friends noticed something was wrong, as I got all silent.

"What's up with you?" My friend asks.

"Oh nothing, just my mom blowing up my phone." I say with a huff as an attempt to be a slight laugh to try and lighten the situation.

My phone buzzes and my head shoots down.

Honey, it's a hard thing to say over text
I will tell you when you're home

I sit and stare at the text. The more I reread the words, the more sick to my stomach I get.

I take a deep breath.

It can't be that bad, can it?


I meet up with Betty outside of school.

"Hi love!" She greets, walking up to me with the biggest smile possible.

She has such a sweet presence. Her smile makes everyone want to smile. That's one of the many things I adore about Betty.

"Hi." I reply, trying to forget the texts my mom had sent me earlier. I didn't want my anxiety to ruin Betty and I's tradition, or to ruin the mood.

Betty begins rambling about her day as we make our way to my car. Talking about Inez and her boy issues, how she's happy she doesn't have to deal with her shitty English teacher next year, and everything you could possibly imagine.

I open the car door for her, then get into my own seat. I stick my key into the key hole and start the car. I press onto the gas and begin our drive to the coffee shop.

Betty was messing with my radio, trying to find a song she enjoys, while I was trying to not let this anxiety overtake me.

I was tapping on the steering wheel, while I kept thinking of the messages over again. What was so bad that she couldn't just tell me over text?

The pit in my stomach continued to grow, and I continued to stress. My leg that wasn't on the pedal was bouncing, and I kept fidgeting with the foam on my steering wheel.

I pull into the coffee shop and I open the door for Betty. We order our usual, get back into the car, and start our drive to the drive in.


Once we arrive at the drive-in, I park the car and look over at Betty. She's sipping on her strawberry banana smoothie, and looks over at me and gives a bright grin with the red straw still in her mouth.

Looking at her made me feel so happy. Although my anxiety didn't fully go away, I felt somewhat at ease.

I get out of the car and grab the blankets and the pillows from the trunk. I set them on the front of my car, making a perfect yet comfy set up for me and Betty.

"You're the most perfect boy ever, James." Betty says, taking a seat on the front of the car and beginning to make herself comfortable.

Hearing those words made me feel all giddy inside, and in this moment I completely forgot about my mom and her texts.

I climbed up next to Betty and put my arm around her and leaned back. "I love you so much, my sweet girl." I whisper.

She scoots her body closer to mine and leans on me. She gives me a loving kiss on the lips. "I love you so much more."


chapter 2 soon :)

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