The One :The Resistance

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The year is 2039 and global warming is on the rise and news outlets are out in the streets in a panic. Something huge has just cracked the night sky right after the 30th pandemic and I have hid out in a bunker for years. The echo of the cracking of the sky rattled me awake so I headed for high ground to see the aftermath. For my eyes have seen alot of things ,but nothing compares to what I see. What do I see you might ask ? I see a billion people that look like me. They say they are alternative people to replace me so the matrix can carry on I tell them is only one me . I upped my gun and they upped there's at me. Source interrupted and said how could you! SOURCE creator of all of me this life is misery can't you see .He said the mission is not over don't quit on me I've lost enough soldiers I can't lose you to. I lowered my gun they lower there's to mirrors of what I do. What is my purpose Highest one because I'm fearful of never knowing. Source responds back maybe you are in your purpose and don't know it if you stop scrolling you'll see what I see. The Matrix will prevail if you don't do this for me. Can't afford for Negative 1 to have any say so in your realm you must fight the light in you depends on it .Awaken now I have things to do. You refusing could only make things worst and I'm running out of time. And that was the day I fell towards the Earth aka the heart of God. To be Continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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