Chapter 1(my Bullies Came)

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"I'm so glad we got into college" giggled my best friend
"Yeah me too," I said back
"Let's just hope my bullies aren't here," I said.
"what if they are," said my best friend trying to scare me
"Probably not there too dumb to get into one"I snapped back at her.
We both started laughing uncontrollably. we couldn't hold ourselves back.
My best friend turned around.
"come on let's go to the library" she declared."ok" I agreed. I still was thinking to myself"Did they?" but like I said I don't think they are lol. I mean if they are, I hope I never see them.
My best friend gasped. her face went from happy and laughing to being as scared and shocked as I was when I saw my ex's face.
"what is it," I asked.
"umm...Skylar...we spoke too soon" went my bff
"What do you mean?"I said. I pushed in front of her and took a look. It was my bullies from high school." well  I don't
Think we're going to get into the same dorm right?"I said.

Bully 1 pov:

I was taken to the principles office to have a discussion." yes principal "I rasped. I didn't want to be there. I wanted to sit down with my mates drink soda and eat the most massive cheeseburger in the world matter how much I ate I still didn't gain any weight for some weird reason.
"due to ur parents' big donation to the school, we are giving you the most quality dorm and u get the pick 4 people for u to share it with for the rest of the school year," my principal said."sick," I said while the principal took the paper out with the list of people in our year. I chose my 3 friends, Adrien, Leto and Mike."umm...elite...there's one spot left"m principal said. I looked at the list again and saw Skylar Mellisa on the list. this should be fun I believed and thought in my head and circled her name out."ok" the principal went and I walked out.

Skylar's pov:

It was time for the dorms to be said. I was sleeping on my BFFs' shoulder finally getting rest.
"wake up" repeatedly said my best friend. her name is May.
But I wouldn't wake up. I've been so tired lately from studying last night couldn't stay up any longer.
"I'll carry her, she's in my dorm," said Mike. Mike was the hardest of them all. any kindness showed or flirtiness between me and his mates will be but actually, we wouldn't ever see the day of light again. I'm just exaggerating. but it would feel like it. The last time I flirted with him I caught him blushing a bit lol. I have amazing rizz.
"you better not hurt her," May said. she was a very defensive bff, especially with those guys.

Sharing a dorm with my 4 past bulliesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat