Chapter 1

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Rin's P.O.V

I hide under the bed, trembling. I hear two gunshots and the screaming of my parents. I try to stay silent as I began to cry and then I heard the door open. I tried to be as silent as I could be, I even tried to not breathe. "Hey, looks like this room's clear." A man with a deep voice said to another man. "Okay." The other man said with a slightly higher pitched voice. Then I heard sirens. "Oh shit." The man with a deep voice said. Then, I was interrupted with the sounds of an alarm. I slam the snooze button as I attempt to get out of bed. I look in the mirror and see myself with messy hair and red eyes. "Damn, looks like I cries in my sleep." I wash my face and get a shower. Then I put on my uniform and grabbed breakfast. I walked out the door and put in my earbuds and played music. I sighed. I thought,'It's been eight years since my parents have died and I'm still having nightmares about it?' I continue walking as I bump into someone. "O-Oh I'm sorry." I help pick up his things and look up at him. Len Kagamine. Ugh, I absolutely despised that name. Next thing you know I was quickly walking to school.

Len's P.O.V

When I was walking, I bumped into this girl. Ugh! Who would dare bump into me?! "O-Oh I'm sorry." The girl said. She had a beautiful voice, unlike the high-pitched voice of Miku Hatsune. She began picking up the stuff I dropped then she looked at my face first suprised, then disgusted and walked away. 'What's her problem?' I thought. 'Well, she was pretty cute...' I thought as I smirked and continued walking to school.

I hope you enjoyed!!! ( ^ω^ ) ((Note: Rin and Len are 14 in 9th grade so that means Rin's tragedy happened when she was 6 years old.))

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