Chapter 2

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When I awoke the cardboard was frozen and frostbitten. My siblings were curled up near me... Cold to the touch of my nose. Even my mother... I stood up shakily feeling sick. A rush of panic filled my veins, they were dying... They were all dying...

I panted heavily trying my best to stay calm but failing. I went from each of my siblings trying to nudge them awake. I even licked my mother's face, 'Wake up.' I begged, distraught I let out several barks trying to get their attention. 'Wake up!' I shouted through my barks. I stood there frozen my eyes watering.

I was going to be alone... My family. They were going to die again. I'd be left alone in an alley again.

I shook feeling as if that cold blade pierced me once again... My mind flashed between my mother from my last life and this one... A whimper left my lips and my tail tucked between my legs. At that moment I realized that though I had these memories... Though I had looked different these beasts had been more kind to me than any other being had. They accepted me and loved me... I didn't want to lose them.

As much as I want to say I was able to calm myself... I could not, this realization of just how truly precious my new family was made me desperate... Made me do something I would never do otherwise. Pushing all the strength I had into my legs, I ran out of our box home and into the streets beyond the alley looking for someone... Anyone... To save my new family.

Instantly I was thrown into a sea of humans... All I saw were legs and shoes... I searched everywhere I could for demons... Something familiar like horns or ashen skin... I even looked for elves or dwarves but there were none in sight. As I dodged the feet around me I thought all hope was lost until I saw jet-black hair and pale skin. I turned and saw smiling lips painted black and matching dark clothes.

A witch!

I could sense the faint feeling of magic radiating off of her. While she wasn't a demon like I had hoped for, she was far better a choice than a human. Weaving through the sea of legs, I was thankful she was easily spotted due to her high-platform boots and midnight black clothes.

The howling wind had nearly taken me off of my feet as I ran to her. Then, suddenly stopped as I breathlessly skidded to a stop in front of her. Strangely turning into a gentle sprinkle of snow around her.

Her foot had been raised to step down, I thought for sure she might crush me, but I was willing to take the risk. I let out a bark, though it was more akin to a high-pitched yelp from my small body. She froze, the foot retracted and my eyes followed up her body, a large banded device with music blaring slowly slipped off of her ears and around her neck.

"A puppy?" She asked, confusion clear in her voice, "You're so little what are you doing out here buddy?" She asked. She leaned down to reach for me but I jumped away barking. While she was warm in her large winter coat my family was freezing! "What's the matter?" She asked, 'Help me!' I barked, the words feeling foreign to me, my pride stinging as they left me. But my pride was not worth the lives of my family.

I would kneel on the ground if I had to at this point.

"Do you need some help?" She asked reaching for me again. I took the opportunity to grab her sleeve with my mouth and pull. Though without much success, my teeth were still coming in, and the strength that I had used caused me to slip and tumble backward.

I quickly scrambled to my feet despite dirt and snow now being on my fur.

'Please help me!' I whined begging the woman, hoping she had a way to understand me, or would at least notice my desperation. She stared at me before a look of realization appeared in her eyes, "Show me." She ordered I did not need to be told twice before I took off towards my alleyway home.

I heard her thick boots thudding behind me as she followed, while I felt relief that she understood. I knew from experience it would not be safe to relax until my family was somewhere safe and warm. As for how she understood me, I had no idea, maybe a spell or a women's intuition. Regardless, I would be forever indebted to her should she help save my family.

I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me, stumbling only slightly as I made a sharp turn around a corner. My pace slowed as I approached the cardboard box. I felt anxiety prickle at my insides and sick to my stomach. There were no yaps or whines that I had often heard since being born from my siblings. My ears flattened onto my head, I feared I may have been too late to help. But still, I made my way over, the woman walking beside me as I did.

She lifted the tarp up and I carefully walked inside moving around trying to get a response from my family. I licked my mother's nose and felt relief when I felt shallow breaths leave her. "Oh no..." I heard the woman speak with concern, I turned to look at her, my ears still flat on my head.

I swallowed, I would have never done this in my last life... I would have never asked for help like this... But I couldn't lose them. Not now...

'Please...' I begged, 'Please save them.' a low whine left me, and her expression became pained as if understanding my desperation. She let out a soft breath and reached into her jacket grasping at some sort of jewelry. She closed her eyes and muttered something to herself, "Alright..." She spoke after a moment, seeming unsure before looking back at me. "Alright." She seemed more determined now. "Let's see what we can do little guy." She smiled at me, I couldn't help but wag my tail thankful I managed to locate someone kind enough to help.

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