Chapter 5 ~ The battle

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The journey continued, Dans face fell into the ground. Coughing he lifted his head from the ground and slapped his leg, annoyed he said "This stupid leg!" Zoë and Sakura helped him up and they continued the long walk.

They got to know each other better, Sakura was still a bit mysterious but Zoë and Dan almost were brother and sister they knew each other that well. They continued to walk for hours, Days, Weeks until they found a intersection. The path ended but spread into four more paths. Zoë sat down and started to stuff her face with food.

Dan proclaimed "I bet I could take you both down" "really?" Sakura replied. Dan turned around to see her running at him chainsaws at the ready. The chainsaws slid through His body as he smiled. Zoë watched not wanting anything to do with this battle. Dan looked at Sakura and grinned, then suddenly he turned into a puddle. Sakura laughed and turned to walk away but stopes in her tracks. A 20 meter high wave hit her, she took the full blow and was washed away until she hit her head harshly into a tree. She slumped over and didn't move for awhile then she got up and pulled a hammer out of her arm lacrama and smacked Dan in the head Dan flopped to the ground as so did she they both got up soon after and were about to go at it again when they heard Zoë yell "STOP!" Dan turned to look but Sakura didn't and struck him again in the neck. Dan screamed "that hurts like hell" throwing a strong punch to her stomach. They continued to battle unaware of Zoë trying to control their minds but failing. Sakura about to hit Dan in the stomach but Zoë managed to make her punch Go straight to Sakura's own face. Zoë felt strong and powerful as now she could control a strong minded wizard.

Finally they stopped and Zoë picked up Sakura and said sternly "Don't do this again" when Zoë turned away she mouthed to Dan 'another time' after doing this Zoë elbowed her In the stomach and she fell to the ground. Soon after they fell asleep, but before they did they noticed Zoë's hair starting to go purple and her hand with a purple gem on it. Sakura clapped in glee "you get your gem when you show your a powerful wizard" Sakura showed her large pink gem on her back to them "by the morning your have a full set of purple hair" Sakura said excitedly. Dan felt grim, why didn't he have a gem and his hair was still boring poo brown.

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