Dreaming of you

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"Matt stop!" I yell and kick my legs laughing

He continues tickling me and I keep trying to push him off

Finally he stops and lays down next to me

I turn my head and look at him and he does that same

Our faces are inches apart

I look down at his lips and back to his eyes

He brings his face closer to mine just where we're almost kissing but he looks down at my lips

I look at his and lift my head and turn it and push my lips into his

His hand goes to the side of my face and I get up from the bed holding myself up with my knees and one hand

I bring one leg over his waist straddling him and put my hands on his face

His hands slide down the side of my body and stay and the top; sides of my legs

I run my fingers through his brown hair and he holds my hips

I move my lips into the kiss and he does the same following

He flips us over so he's on me using his arm to hold his upper half up and his knees for his lower half and his other hand goes to my neck

He holds his hand on the back of my neck lifting it at some points

He pulls his face away from mine and goes to my neck leaving wet spots all over

I lift my chin up looking back behind me and hold my hands on his shoulders

"Mm" I groan and wrap my legs around his elevated waist

He pulls himself away from my neck and looks into my eyes and down to my lips

He kisses me softly and pulls away again

Matt is talking to me calmly and softly to where if anybody else was here only I would hear him

His voice gets more muffled and quieter the farther into his sentence he goes

I furrow my eyebrows at him and my vision starts to go black

"Matt?" I say and barely hear my so muffled voice

I squint my eyes and blink trying to regain my vision until I see light again

I sit up fast because Matt isn't over me anymore

I ook around my room and all i can see is the flicker of my candle in my room

I look to my side and Matt as sleeping next to me

He pats his arm where I was once laying and his eyebrows lower

"Hmm?" He groans feeling for me

His hand brushes against my back and he opens his eyes to look at me

"Why are you up" he grumbles with one eye still shut

"Uh I just woke up I guess" I lay back down next to him

He lays his head on my shoulder right next to my face and he puts his arm over my waist and uses his hand as a hook to pull me into his body

I feel his warm breath escaping through his nose down my neck sending chills through my spine

I turn myself so I face him and his head lays in front of mine

Our legs find eachother and hold on to one another

I look at him and he's sleeping again

I look at his facial features and admire them

I look at his lips for a few seconds

I bring my forehead against his putting our lips centimeters apart from eachother and I brush my lips against his and kiss him

His grasp on my waist tightens and I can feel his lips move into my kiss and he kisses me back passionately

I move my hand onto the back of his neck and pull it in so he kisses me harder and now his neck is almost as arched as my back

We pull away just leaving our lips touching barely breathing heavily

"I love you" he breathes out and lifts his head more and he goes down to my neck planting marks throughout and leaving wet spots all over

I groan from his mouth sucking at my skin and bite my lip trying to keep quiet

He groans against my skin sending tingles through my body and butterflies in my stomach and chest

He moves himself over me straddling me with his legs on both sides of me and his hands on my neck just like his mouth

His thumbs glide over my heated skin and I drap my arms over his neck leaving my hands hanging in the air

He pulls his face away from my neck and breathes deeply making heavy eye contact with me

I push my lips into his and he kisses me harsh and deeply pushing me back into the mattress

I moan into the kiss and he holds my neck with one hand and my waist with the other

He pulls away catching his breath and he lays down next to me like he was before

He kisses me once more and we go back to sleep

My eyes shoot open and I can't see anything around me

My candle isn't lit anymore

What? I never lit any candles

I must have I just saw it a second ago

No I never did we watched movis and went to sleep

I feel around my bed to look for Matt and my hand lands on his chest

"Yn?" He groans in a scratchy voice

"What's wrong?" I hear him sit up and slightly see his face in front of mine

"Nothing" I say confused and scratch my head

"Go back to sleep princess" he says quietly and lays me back down

I hold his hand to the bottom side of my face and we go back to sleep.

...for the third time?? Or second.

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