Chapter 12~ One flashback at a time.

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~~~~~ Somewhere from the past

"I think three would look dope." The guy with the spikey green hair suggested.

I furrowed my brows taking a good look at myself. I look fucking rough. But tough all at the same time.

I just shrugged. "Whatever you thinks best." He took out a sterilizer to clean the needle. He swabbed my nose and positioned himself so he has easy access to where he needs to pierce.

He pushed the needle into my nose and I flinched. It was a bit painful but it felt...good? Maybe not.

He repeated the process to the other two pericings and cleaned up the dripping blood coming from the new wounds. "They will be swollen for a while but they should heal completely within a few months." I nodded.

I took the hand held mirror from his hands. I ruffled my dyed blue hair and took a closer look. I liked my reflection better now that I have these nose piercings. I feel cooler. It felt like I was always suppose to look this way.

I payed him the little money I had and then left the tattoo shop. This city was okay but nothing like Musutafu. I decided I should take a train to visit it. Maybe stop by a few of my favorite stores.

Stuffed my hands in my black sweatpants and pulled over my black hoodie. Black seems to comfort me now days.

Train ride took a bit. Wasn't very eventful, a got a few stares but that's what I get for looking like Frankenstein I suppose. My face looks normal enough until you get a good look at my disfigured jaw and skin which doesn't quiet reach my eyelids. Once I got to my stop I instantly jumped out.

I inhaled the fresh air and decided to wonder the streets. It was getting dark out so I wanted to do my favorite hobby which was to rob people. I walked through the alleyways looking for vulnerable people I can take shit from. That was until I heard sobbing. A perfect target.

I hid in a trash can waiting for the sounds to come closer but the sniffling seemed to get quieter. I peeked out the garbage and saw...Y/n? It couldn't be. The shock made me lost balance. The whole thing tipped over. Oops. I could hear her stop in her tracks but I just turned around and sped walked away. I didn't know what I expected since she lives here. She's really the only reason I don't come here anymore.

I've been trying to leave my old life behind. Not relive it. It's been how long? Three or four years since I've "died" most of which I was in a coma. It's been hard not to think of her.

The girl I cared for dearly.


"The villains? That's got to be some sort of joke right." I laughed cause he could NOT be serious.

"I'm serious y/n, I know it sounds crazy, but Mr Aizawa said we needed more "proof" he's still alive before we launch a search party." I see Mintea and Rayden come out of his room. Ray looks disgusted. Probably from something Mintea said.

"So he suggested us to join the villains!?" Ray stops, "Wait what did we miss?" I give him a look that says 'don't worry about it' and narrow my eyes back to Shoto.

He rubbed his neck, "Not necessarily." I roll my eyes. "I know Mr. Aizawa and he would never put his students in danger like that."

Shoto laughs. "Would never put HIS STUDENTS in danger like that." What's with the sly face? It took a minute for me to realize.

"No way. Nope! I am not joining the league of villains to MAYBE find information on Toya. What information would they even have anyways?" I question.

"Aizawa said they have records of the nomu agencies. He's thinking if we could talk to people or maybe even get into their systems, we can find out his whereabouts or if he really did die in that fire." I think about his words for a second. A reallllll longgggg second.

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