Swords for Devils

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Reaching upwards, you fasten the mask against your face, tying the thick black cloth behind your head, careful not to catch your hair in it. You adjust the mask as need be, your eyes peering out of the two holes.

Urokodaki had fashioned a mask for you a few nights ago. It was a fox mask, little charms dangling from the bottoms of the ears, wisteria and blue clouds painted on it. Most people would wear fox masks on the sides of their heads, but this was your muzzle now. It didn't have the reinforcement that Nezuko's had, but it'd be tough to move the mask aside to properly bite someone.

"There you are. You should be—"

Urokodaki was cut off by Tanjiro entering the house with a man wearing a hyottoko mask. You squint your eyes at him, and in return, he glances at you as well. Tanjiro moves past him, smiling as he speaks to you, "Our swords are here!"

You exchanged looks with Tanjiro briefly before looking back at the other masked man. You settle yourself onto your knees, and the rest follow suit. The man, who introduces himself as Haganezuka, began to unwrap one of the swords, handing it to Tanjiro, mentioning his appearance and the likelihood that his sword may turn red. Your eyes widened, hoping that you, too, would see a red sword. Your father before you wielded a blue sword, and as he put it, represented the flow of his breathing and fighting techniques. Would Tanjiro, too, get a blue blade, then?

You watch with great interest as Tanjiro removes the nichirin blade from its sheath, raising it in front of himself. You and Haganezuka observe with baited breath, anticipating the change. Suddenly, a dark colour began to slowly crawl up the once steel-coloured sword, spreading like a dye before eventually halting once it'd reached the tip. The sword had turned black. And judging by the way Haganezuka froze… that wasn't a good thing.

He immediately met Tanjiro with violence, shrieking and shouting, his disappointment obviously going well beyond what was appropriate for a 37 year old man. He then whipped his head to you, pointing his finger in your face.

"You! You had better get a bright red sword, or I'll—!"

You hold your hands up, nodding vigorously, tilting your head slightly. He seemed to calm down at this, though his breathing was still fairly loud through his mask. He handed your wrapped sword to you, and you had to be careful to avoid the blade, lest you burn yourself on the metal.

You grip the hilt firmly with both your hands, sharp nails grazing your own skin uncomfortably. You shift it slightly in your hands, eyes fixated expectantly on the blade… yet there appeared to be no reaction.

Haganezuka's breaths became increasingly loud, either in anticipation or anger—either way, you could hardly take the suspense. It didn't take this long with Tanjiro!

"Um… maybe… maybe it's broken?" Tanjiro spoke softly, tone cautious as he offered up a possible solution. Haganezuka slowly turned his head towards him, practically vibrating with anger as he lifted his hands with malicious intent.

"Why, you little—!"

However, cutting him off was the sound of your blade beginning to shift. The colour spread through the blade slowly, surely, flowing through every inch of steel that the blade bore. When it'd finished, you tilted the blade slightly, taking a look at the finished colour.

The blade had formed a deep, dark red colour, an even darker burgundy colour cutting through the middle in the form of what looked to be… lightning? No… veins? Your brows furrowed slightly, and you glance up at the three men expectantly, believing that this colour warranted an explanation.

"Well… this was entirely unexpected."

Urokodaki's voice cut through the silence, his head raising to face the three of you, "Black is rather uncommon. I have seen very few demon slayers with such a colour… partly due to the stigma around it. Demon slayers bearing black blades are said to never make it very far… otherwise, nothing else is known about it."

Tanjiro's eyes widened slightly, but he then blinked, determination becoming evident on his now-smiling features, "Well, then I'll be the first to break that stigma."

Urokodaki hummed, the smile evident by the tone of his voice. He then turned his gaze onto you, pausing, then spoke, "Your blade, however… I have never seen one quite like it. It could perhaps have something to do with…"

He trailed off, knowing that Haganezuka would likely not take kindly to sitting right next to a demon with a sword. So he continued, never picking up the thought, "I'm surprised it changed colours at all. In any case, I hope that you will live long enough for the secrets of your blade to be revealed."

You gave him a simple curt nod, then glanced at Tanjiro, who was busy ogling your sword. You shift your attention back to Haganezuka, who was still silent, staring at the blade held within your hand. You open your mouth to speak, but you are cut off by the swordsmith rapidly crawling towards you, reaching a hand out to your face, shouting incomprehensibly. You jolt back, yelping as Tanjiro has to jump to your aid.


You don't remember what day you departed from Urokodaki. You know that it was a tough task—not just for Tanjiro, but for the old man as well. You didn't know him very well, but you were eternally grateful for his kindness and hospitality.

The sun was low in the sky, slowly climbing the horizon. You adjust the fox mask on your face, keeping it held on tightly, then tie the light-coloured head scarf around your neck, pulling it over your head, tucking stray pieces into the mask so that it stays on you tightly. Finally, your hands wrap around the bangasa, lifting it over your head as the dark veil drapes over your body… it was well beyond dark, your only hope of seeing outside being the bright sun.

Peering outside, you see the sun's rays casting themselves across the barren road, stretching across the trees and fields below the mountain. You look at the sun once more, shrinking back, face becoming hot. You wondered if you were burning.

No… no, these were tears. You sniffled, tilting your head back to keep stray fluids inside your body. You didn't know why you were crying. It was just the sun.

You eventually gather yourself properly, sliding the door open slowly. You place one of your feet out onto the ground, testing the waters, watching as the light crawled up the veil. Nothing happened. You slowly exited the building, one limb at a time, finally deeming that it was safe. You glance at the other two that had been waiting for you, smiling slightly beneath your mask.

"There you are. I was just about to explain your mask's properties to Tanjiro."

You hummed, moving up beside them, standing beside the red-haired boy. Urokodaki continued, "During the fifteen days you two waited for your swords, I placed a spell on your mask. Peering through the eyeholes…"

He pointed to your eyes, then continued, "...Puts your mind into a trance-like state. Nothing to debilitate you. It simply deters your demonic urges. I ask that you try your best not to let it break… I do not know what would happen if it did."

You nod slowly, glancing at Tanjiro to catch a glimpse at his reaction. As always, he had that kind, reassuring smile on his face.

"Thank you, Urokodaki. For everything. I'll keep them and Nezuko safe and out of trouble—I promise."

Urokodaki hummed, then reached forward, placing a hand on top of Tanjiro's head. It looked as though he intended to do the same to you, but your bangasa prevented him from doing so.

"I know."

Tanjiro laughed quietly, then backed away, beckoning for you to come with, "Right, then! Let's go!"

He offered you a beaming grin, then began to walk down the mountain's path, his footing sure and his stance determined. As he reached the foot of the hill, though, he turned and offered up another wave to his former mentor. You turned as well, holding your hand up, even knowing that he likely wouldn't see it.

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