[Taylor's POV]
I walked down the hall with the Dolan twins. I was headed to the governors office.
Had anyone else been caught going to the governors office without being called to do so, I'd have to beat them. This is a public place and I don't allow snakes.
I knock on the governors door.
"Come in." She says.
"Wait out here or go on a walk or something." I tell the twins.
I head into the governor's office. I sit in one of chairs and put my feet up on the desk. I look back at the security guard who was keeping watch at the back of room. I pointed for him to get out. He hesitantly left.
"Hey Morgan, how are you?" I ask, getting the formalities out of the way.
"Cut to the chase Caniff." She says.
"I've got your stuff." I say while taking a pen from the utensil holder. I spin it between my fingers. "I'd just like to know why I have to risk my neck to get you drugs when you have access to the outside world where there are tons?" I ask.
"I run a prison. Do you know how much this job pays? I cannot be caught with illegal substances in my home." She says. I shrug signifying that it's a valid point. "What do you want for 'em?" She asks. I put the pen down.
I pull the tin foil wrapped pills out of my pants.
"Bust any others who are selling, I'd like a new TV for my bunk and get ready to approve a few people I'll add to my contact list." I tell her.
"I think all that can be arranged." She says.
"Good." I say while getting up. I hand her the tin foil. "I'll be going, if that's all."
"Caniff, the officers are getting suspicious. This can't happen anymore." She says.
"Noted. One other thing that I want is, don't bust me." I say. She nods.
"You are dismissed." She says. I walk out.
"She take it?" Ethan asks as we begin to walk down the hallway.
"Yep." I confirm.
"We got word that someone's dealing in E Block." Grayson informs me.
"Pottorff?" I ask.
"Where is he?" I ask Grayson.
"E Block laundry room."
"Guess where we're going!" I say.
"Y-You're late." Shawn says as I walk in to our therapy session.
"And, I heard you got into a fight!" He says while standing up and walking around the table and leaning against the side closest to me.
"I did what I had to do. He was selling things to people on my fucking turf." I say while walking closer to him.
"You didn't have to beat him up." Shawn says while looking down and crossing his arms.
"Oh, really? What would you have done?" I ask.
"I would have talked to him and tried to solve it like a civilized person." He says quietly.
"Bullshit." I spit. "That's why the guys look up to me. They need someone who's strong." I say harshly.
Shawn looks up at me sadly.
"You think I'm weak?"
"No. It's just that... Being civilized, doesn't cut it in here, babe."I explain putting my hand on his thigh.
"I'm not your babe. I'm not your anything." He says while throwing my hand off of him.
"Look, Canada. I've been pretty tame over the past week. I'm pretty sure you don't want that to end." I say.
"I don't care. I'm not as weak as you think I am. I can handle whatever you throw at me. Fuckin' bring it, Caniff." He says.
"Spicy." I growl into his ear after stepping between his legs and holding his thighs against my sides.
"Don't get burned." He says while pushing me off of him and walking out of the room.
I raise an eyebrow and go to the other side of the table. I sit in the chair and shove my hand in my pants, beginning to take care of my hard on.
I was sitting in the common area later that night with the rest of the boys, smoking the left over weed.
I laughed at nothing.
Shawn opened the common area door.
"Out." I tell him.
"But I..." He begins but I quickly cut him off.
"Get out." I repeat.
Shawn furrows his eyebrows before closing the door and walking away.
"The fuck was that shit?" JJ asked angrily.
"Pipe the fuck down, Johnson." I tell him.
"Taylor. JJ has a point. The kid is new here. It's his first week, cut him some slack." Grayson tells me.
"He disrespected me. I don't tolerate disrespect." I tell them, darkly.
"Dude." Ethan says looking at me expectantly.
I scoff and pass my joint to Gilinsky. I get up and head over to open the door. I walk out into the hallway of bunks.
I make my way to F14. I open the door to see Shawn in his boxers, smoking a joint.
"What are you doing in here?" He asks dryly.
"The more important question is, where did you get that?" I ask while taking the joint from him. I put it in my mouth and take a long drag.
That was some good shit.
I threw it in the sink and turned on the water. It goes down the drain.
He smirked at me devilishly.
"I'm no snake." He says. I get onto his bed and climb on top of him, grabbing a fistful of his hair.
"Tell me or I'll... Kiss you." I smirk back at him. His smile goes away.
"Don't!" He says.
"Where'd you get the drugs then, Canada boy?" I ask pulling his hair aggressively. He begins to let out something that sounds like a moan but quickly stops himself by biting his lip.
I let go of his hair.
"Did you just moan?" I ask while chuckling a bit.
"The drugs are mine. I got them in. Now please drop the subject." He says.
"Don't ever bring drugs into my prison again." I say. "Now back to the thing about moaning... You have a thing for hair pulling don't you?" I ask while smirking at him.
He pushes me off of him. I get off the bed.
"Fuck off." He says while getting up and pushing me towards the door. Once I'm in the doorframe I turn to face him.
"Oh, Canada, that reminds me..." I begin. I hastily lean down a little and press my lips to his, tugging at his hair, causing a soft moan to escape him before he pushed me off of him. He slapped me.
"Pig!" He spat.
"Don't be like that, babe." I say.
"I fucking hate you." He tells me.
"We should make out." I reply.
He grabs my jaw and pulls me to eye level.
"Not a fucking chance." He whispers harshly.

Worst Behaviour <Discontinued>
Fanfiction❝I fucking hate you.❞ ❝We should make out.❞ ∞ Shawn Mendes gets a year and a half long sentence at Bramlea Penitentiary. How long will it be until he's stripped of his innocence and gets into all the trials and tribulations of being imprisoned.