Disclaimer / Info

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Hello! Please read this real quick, even if you have already read this book!

- I'm finally going to try to do the requests! You will be tagged once I do it!
- I do not identify as non-binary anymore, but I will still update this book! However, I will also be including fem-leaning and masc-leaning names.

Here is the list of letters I've done;
✅ - completed ❌ - not done ❔- requested

A ✅
B ✅
C ✅
D ✅
E ❌
F ❌
G ❌
H ✅
I ✅
J ✅
K ✅
L ✅✅
M ✅
N ✅
O ✅
P ❌
Q ❌❔
R ❌❔
S ✅
T ✅
U ❌
V ❌
W ❌❔
X ❌
Y ❌
Z ❌

Non-binary namesWhere stories live. Discover now