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Name: Marina Devon (Real name)

Alias: Marina Vine (Fake name and the name she goes by after running away from home)

Age: 29

Pirate, Royal Navy or other?: Pirate (Former noble woman)

Ship name: The Lost Venturer (Former ship and crew), Black Pearl (Current Ship and Crew, she becomes first mate)

Crush: Jack Sparrow (Backup: Will Turner)

Backstory: Marina was a noblewoman, who's life was planned out for her. Once she got the chance, she stole some of her parents money and ran away for a life on the sea. She soon joined a pirate crew and rose up the ranks until she became the captain, her ship known as the Lost Venturer. She became well known for being fierce and a conqueror of the seas, while also being kind towards her crew and allies. She was an Ally to Jack and the Black Pearl and when his crew staged a mutiny against him and so she broke her crew's alliance with the black pearl due to her friendship with Jack. In turn Barbosa and crew attacked her ship, sinking it and killing her crew, she was the only survivor and she hid on Tortuga, when Jack was looking for a crew in "Curse Of The Black Pearl" she was one of the ones who joined him.

Face claim: Karliene

Theme song: Queen Of Kings (covered by Annapantsu)

Personality: Bold and brave, she will face her problems head on and with a sword at her side. She will never shy from a fight, instead she runs into the fray head on, ready for action. She is a real spitfire, full of energy and life. She loves to have adventure, and has a deep dislike for her entire life being planned out for, she likes to have a choice. She is loyal to those she considers friends and allies.

She ran away from life as a noble because she didn't want her life planned out for her and she just wanted to live on a ship at sea.

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