Chapter 1: Healing

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It had been a few weeks since the rock climbing incident. David returned from his trip and decided to let Max stay in the cabin until his arm fully heals. Max stayed his usual bitter self, but gained a bit of an ego after that hospital visit. He kept bragging to the other campers about how he took it like a champ when he and Gwen knew that wasn't the case at all. ...Sorta. Meanwhile, Gwen had been debating something that she had been wanting to get done for a looong time. And that trip to the ER was the push she needed to move forward. 

David entered the cabin with his morning coffee, expecting Gwen to still be asleep. But before he could greet her, he stopped and noticed the co worker on the phone. "...Yes, 4:00 on Friday works." Gwen said, trying to keep on the down low. "Thank you. Goodbye." She hung up the phone from there and turned to David. "Gooooooooooooooooood morning, Gwen!" David greeted, Gwen giving the expected unamused look. "Morning, David." She replied back in the normal monotone he was used to. "Who were you on the phone with?" David asked. "Gee, isn't it a bit early to be asking pre-coffee Gwen these sorts of questions?" Gwen replied, pouring some coffee into her mug. "Besides I don't think it's really any of your business to begin with." David frowned and set down his coffee mug. He respected Gwen's wishes for him not to know what she was planning over the phone. "So...What's the lesson plan?" Gwen asked. "Let's see.." David replied pulling out a clipboard from his desk. "We will be focusing on theater camp today followed by a bonfire at the end of the day." David read. Preston was still working hard on his screenplay he planned to do for Max when he got home from the hospital. But his chances of actually performing were soured thanks to Nikki's hornet incident that same evening. 

Meanwhile, Max was hanging out with Nikki and Neil. Neil was busy studying at his poor excuse of what one would call "Science Camp" while Nikki was busy making herself a flower crown. As for Max? Well, he was just sitting on a patch of grass, watching his friends. He thought he'd actually enjoy not being able to do as many activities as he was usually forced into doing by David, but not many of the activities could be done with one arm. Nikki turned her head and saw how her friend seemed lonely, so she finished her crown and sat next to him. "Hey, Max!" Nikki greeted, Max didn't give a response. Nikki looked at Max's blue cast he had been wearing for a few weeks and noticed that something was.... Missing. "Can I sign your cast?" She asked. "How are you gonna do that without a marker?" Max replied. Nikki excused herself for a moment and walked up to Neil, who was busy studying. "Neil?" Nikki said, no response. Maybe he didn't hear her despite being within earshot. "Neeeeeil..." Nikki repeated herself, to once again, no response. After getting sick of being ignored, Nikki cleared her throat and yelled "NEIL! CAN I BORROW A MARKER?!" Causing both boys to jump in shock. Max had his hand over his chest while Neil clutched onto his notebook. "You could've just opened my backpack and took one, Nikki!" Neil responded. "Well maybe tell me that first next time!" Nikki shrugged before opening Neil's backpack to pull out a marker. 

Just as she finally got around to signing Max's cast, he signature was ruined after being startled by David. "Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning, Campers!" David announced. "Today, we will be focusing on theater camp!" Most of the campers didn't care, but Preston was HYPED! "Preston? Would you like to tell the rest of the campers what your screenplay is about?" David asked, prompting the theater kid to stand up with a set of papers in his hands. "My screenplay will be a dramatic retelling of how Camp Campbell basically went down the shitter while you were on vacation, David." Preston explained. "you didn't include the hornet part, did you?" Nikki asked, feeling embarrassed. "Hornets?" David questioned. "It's nothing important David. Just a case of Nikki being.... Nikki." Preston replied as he excused himself to set the stage, but not before choosing his cast. "If I may, Preston." Dolf began. "I don't think we need a specific cast. The play should just be us playing ourselves." He explained. Preston thought for a moment before agreeing that Dolf's statement definitely makes more sense. "Yeah but like... Don't we need someone to play Gwen?" Asked Errid. "I'll do it!" Nerf raised his hand. Preston tensed up "Actually I was thinking Nerris could play Gwen since uhhhhhh." He couldn't form anything past that. "Eh, nevermind. Nerris can play the part." Said Nerf. "Lemme just get the wig out of my tent." 

Back at the cabin, Gwen was marking something down on the calendar. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this..." She muttered to herself, setting the pen on her nightstand. The door began to creak open. "In a minute, David. I'm trying to organize something on the calendar." Gwen said. "Uhhh, I'm down here." Max replied, prompting Gwen to turn around. "Oh, hey Max..." She said. "Just so you know, Preston is doing some stupid screenplay about what happened a few weeks ago." Max explained. "He wants EVERYONE to be there." Gwen felt her nervousness subside a little bit. "Does he want me and David to be in it?" She asked. "Nah. He's got Nerris to fill that void." Max replied before exiting the cabin. Gwen opened her calendar again and counted down the days "1...2...3...4..." She muttered, her heart racing as she counted higher before quickly closing the calendar and leaving the cabin. 

David was already seated on one of the makeshift benches at theater camp. He looked around for Gwen, hoping she wasn't ditching. But he smiled as she saw her running frantically before grabbing a seat next to him. "Sorry I'm late." She said, gasping for air. "It's ok, Gwen. The play should start any minute now." David replied. Gwen took notice of Max sitting up front, wanting to be as far away from David as possible. "Do you think I should sit with Max?" Gwen whispered. "He seems to like your company more than mine so... Sure." David suggested. Gwen got up from her seat and went to go sit next to Max. "Figured you were getting lonely." She said, Max looked at her and shrugged. Pretty soon, the curtains opened and the play began... 

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