Chapter 2: Preston Goodplay's Not so Good Play

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The curtains opened to see Nerris dressed as Gwen, followed by the rest of the campers in their usual attire, with the exception of Preston dressed in a blue hoodie, making it obvious that he would be playing the jaded 10 year old, Max. "Alrighty campers. Today we will be learning how to do rock climbing!" Nerris announced, the rest of the campers staying silent. "You're supposed to be CHEERING!!!" Preston whisper shouted, causing a mild, obviously phoned in applause from the group. "Now since I don't know how to look after a group of 10 year olds, I will avert my eyes for 5 seconds." Nerris narrated, causing Gwen to facepalm. "That NEVER HAPPENED!" She shouted from the audience while Max burst into laughter. Nikki began to sprint from the group and climb up some stairs Preston had set up behind a grey paper cut out meant to resemble a rock. "I'M THE QUEEN OF THE WORLDDDDDD" Nikki cheered. The group of campers began to talk over each other, trying to get the absent minded Nerris's attention. 

"Fear not, fellow campers. I will take matters into my own hands!" Preston declared. "Ok, now THAT'S funny." Gwen pointed out. "Watch this, guys! I'm gonna climb EVEN HIGHER!" Nikki shouted before exiting backstage, making it look like she climbed higher up. "What's that?" Nerris asked. "One of the campers is in danger!" Exclaimed Neil. "Max is trying to save her!" Added Harrison. "WHAT?!" Yelped Nerris as she rushed to the scene. "MAX! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She shouted. "Your job!" Replied Preston. "Ouch." Max commented. "That's gotta sting, huh Gwen?" Gwen didn't bother to comment as she watch Preston's dishonest retelling of the events. "I'll save you, Nikki!" Preston said before exiting backstage. Nerris held out her arms as she stepped side to side, hoping Nikki would climb down. "I'm too lazy to climb up myself, so I'm just gonna stand here at the bottom in hopes Nikki will just land into my arms." Nerris narrated again. It was then the three audience members heard a shrill, ear piercing scream that almost made the ground shake. the makeshift rock was then pulled backstage as stock music began to fill the stage.

Preston practically played dead as Nerris ran up to him. "Child I wasn't paying attention to, are you alright?" Preston immediately burst into crocodile tears. "That Preston is a really good actor." David said, admiring the lackluster story. "MY ARM! MY BEAUTIFUL MAN ARM! IT IS CRITICALLY INJURED!" Cried Preston. "I never said that!" Max said. "Doesn't feel so good, does it Max?" Gwen replied, Max rolled his eyes in response. Nerris paused for a moment. What was she supposed to say next? Preston hadn't written anything that happened past the rock climbing scene. "Just improvise. Theater kids do it all the time!" Preston whispered so only Nerris and the other kids could hear. "Come now, children! Let's go back to camp! and I won't even bother doing a head count because Max is in danger." Nerris said before she helped a still hysterical Preston up from where he had been lying down. the rest of the kids exited stage right and the makeshift rock was put back into place. "Uhhhhh little help here?" Nikki asked before the curtains closed. Max was catching his breath from laughter while Gwen buried her head into her hands. David, on the other hand gave a standing ovation. "BRAVO! BRAVO!" He cheered. "But we haven't even gotten to the second act yet." Space Kid said. "Well how about we get to the second act after lunch." David suggested as all the kids got off the stage. Everyone went to the mess hall, except for Gwen and Max. 

"You mean to tell me we have to watch more of that stupid play?" Max questioned. "Apparently so." Gwen moaned. Max noticed something was... Slightly off about Gwen, but he brushed it off at first as her being sick of the passive aggressive jabs the kids gave her during act 1. Max handed Gwen a black marker Nikki gave him earlier. "Do you wanna sign my cast?" he asked. "Sure." Gwen replied awkwardly as she wrote her name on Max's cast. "Sorry for the lack of room on here. Space Kid thought it was a good idea to make his name the center of attention." Max said. "I can tell." Gwen smirked, handing Max the black marker. The two finally caught up with the rest of the campers back at the mess hall. Once they were inside, they noticed pretty much all the tables were empty. With the exception of David sitting at a table by the door. "Where is everybody?" Asked Gwen. David couldn't talk since his mouth was full, so he pointed to a large crowd around one of the tables further away. 

"Yes, yes. I do agree act 1 was a success." Preston bragged. "Yeah your acting was super cool." Added Errid. "If Errid says it's cool, I say it's cool too!" Nikki said eagerly. Unlike the rest of the kids, Neil felt... Unsure of the direction of this play. "I dunno, guys. Don't you think this play is a little... Misleading?" He questioned. "I don't think so. ...And I don't even know what misleading means!" Said Space Kid. "I dunno, Neil. I think Preston has a point." Nikki said. "Agreed." Replied Dolf. Neil was confused as their arguments. "I mean think about it..." Dolf began. "Was Max supposed to be the one responsible for saving Nikki?" He asked. "Well...No-" Neil said before getting cut off. "Exactly! That was Gwen's job!" Nikki added. "Well let's not forget that SHE was the one who took Max to the hospital!" Neil protested. "Relax, Neil. Gwen gets her moment of redemption in act 2." Preston replied pointing to the script he had been writing. Nikki took a peek and frowned. "Awww I thought you said we weren't gonna include the hornet part!" 

The rest of the play went really well with Gwen getting a moment of redemption by saving the kids from "killer hornets" which was an obvious reference to Nikki's get well card being soiled by real hornets. The only downside to that was Nikki feeling embarrassed that Preston had to give Gwen's character redemption by putting her down. "Yknow I kinda feel bad for Nikki in this case." Gwen whispered to Max. "She'll get over it." He responded. Gwen didn't really care about Max's comment. But she and David gave a round of applause when the play ended. "Thank you! Thank you!" Preston said, shoving past the other kids and giving a dramatic bow before exiting. The other kids looked at each other and bowed as well. Max enjoyed the play too, he just didn't wanna admit it, and he couldn't applaud the group because of his arm being stuck in a cast. "Now what exactly did we learn from Preston's wonderful screenplay?" David asked. "I really didn't have a moral in mind but-" Preston explained before being cut off. "Do your job right!" Space Kid said. "Don't neglect children!" Added Dolf. "You guys really aren't helping." Preston sighed, facepalming. "It was a great play nonetheless, Preston. Moral or not." David said, congratulating the boy. 

That night, Max was already sound asleep in Gwen's bed. David was just getting ready to retreat to his bed. He pulled out a tablet to read an E-Book before bed. "What's that, David?" Gwen asked. "Oh, my mom got this for me while I was on vacation!" David said, showing Gwen the tablet. "Apparently you can read these things called 'E-Books,' they're basically like regular books but on the tablet." David explained. "Yes, David. I know what an E-Book is..." Gwen replied in her normal monotone. "Well...I'm gonna go to bed now." Gwen said before putting in a set of earplugs. "What are the earplugs for?" David asked. "Max." Gwen replied before retreating to her bed. David began to read on his tablet before realizing why Gwen had earplugs on hand. ...Max had a snoring problem. 

Gwen's Worst Nightmare (One Of Them At Least)...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang