Intro Pt.1: Enter the Nomi-wait, where am I?!

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It was a typical Monday morning in New York City, the air thick with the smell of coffee and traffic. Peter Parker, a lanky high school student with messy brown hair and freckles, hustled his way through the bustling streets towards his school, struggling to keep up with the never-ending flow of pedestrians. As he turned the corner onto Broadway, however, his morning routine was unexpectedly interrupted by the sound of screeching tires and shattering glass. With a quick glance, Peter saw a bus careening out of control, heading straight towards him.

Instinctively, he leapt to the side, barely avoiding being broadsided by the speeding vehicle. As the bus screeched to a halt, Peter caught his breath and looked around to see if anyone had witnessed his close call. He spotted a group of bystanders looking on in disbelief, but when he turned back towards the bus, he noticed something peculiar.

Lying in the street, half-concealed by a nearby trash can, was a small, square object. Without hesitation, Peter sprang into action, hurrying over to retrieve it. As he picked it up, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement buzzing through his veins. It was a medium-sized, sleek, black and red book that seemed to be made of some sort of highly advanced material. With a sense of curiosity and wonder, he turned it over in his hands, examining it from every angle.

The book was oddly quiet - but then again, it was just a book, right? Without giving it much further thought, Peter tucked it into his bag and continued on his way to school.

As he arrived at Midtown High, he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. He still had no idea what had caused the bus to lose control, and the object buried deep within his bag suddenly felt like a weight on his conscience.

In the hallway between classes, as he passed by a group of students chatting and laughing, Peter couldn't help but feel jealous and left out.

He always seemed to be observing from the outside, never truly fitting in. But he told himself that this was just how things were, and that he was content enough with his own company.

He made his way to his locker, fumbling with the combination lock until he finally managed to open it. As he reached inside to grab his stuff, he accidentally dropped the strange book from his backpack bag he had found earlier. Immediately, it burst open, revealing......nothing inside?

Startled, Peter stumbled backwards, staring in amazement and confusion at it.
Then suddenly, Peter started to faint, faceplanting into the book's pages.

He didn't have any idea what had happened, his vision began to blur and everything around him became a haze of colors and shapes. But soon, it all cleared, and he saw something strange. The words which magically appeared on the page started to move, like they were being rewritten in front of his eyes. His environment looked like it was carefully hand-drawn, especially like those Japanese paintings in his sixth-period Art class.

The leaves on distant trees swayed gently in the breeze, casting soft, flickering shadows on the ground below. And the sky above him was a deep shade of tan, with fluffy white clouds drifting lazily across its surface. The world around him felt almost unreal, as if he had been transported into some sort of dreamscape.

Peter tried to make sense of it all, but his thoughts were cloudy and unfocused. He wondered if he was having a particularly vivid dream, or maybe even a hallucination.

Whatever it was, it was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. The colors of the leaves were so bright they almost hurt his eyes, and the clouds seemed to pulse and shift in the sky above him.

Despite this strange experience, he couldn't help noticing the sudden rush of anxiety that had settled in his chest. He had a vague, uneasy feeling that he was being watched, and he turned his head slowly, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

But there was nothing out of the ordinary to be seen. The trees swayed gently, and the wind whispered through the leaves, creating a soft, soothing melody.

Suddenly, he heard a rustling noise behind him, and he spun around, ready to defend himself. But there was no one there. He was alone in this strange, dreamlike world.

Peter took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He had no idea what was happening, but he knew that he needed to stay alert and focused.

He had a strange feeling that something was about to happen, and he didn't want to miss it.

As he stood there, taking in his surroundings, he noticed a small, dark shape moving in the distance. It was hard to make out at first, but as it drew closer, he realized that it was a person.

The figure was tall and lean, with a black ninja mask covering their face. They moved with a grace and speed that was almost supernatural, and Peter couldn't help but stare in awe.

As they neared him, he saw that the masked figure was holding a sword, and he felt a sudden surge of fear.


"Who are you?" Peter asked, his voice trembling slightly.

But before the figure had a chance to reply, it slapped him and Peter miraculously woke up back into the real world. Before Peter could understand what the everloving heck just happened, he was cut off by a loud, mechanical voice booming from outside the school.

"Alert! Alert! Intruder detected inside! MUST DESTROY!"

Peter's heart raced as he recognized the voice as belonging to one of Dr. Octavius' robots.

'Fight or flight, kid,' he thought to himself, his heart pounding in his chest.

He had only seconds to decide what to do before the robot caught up with him. Peter knew he needed to act quickly, but his mind was racing and he couldn't think straight. 'So much for a genius,' he thought as he ran through all of the possible plans that he might consider. Fortunately, he spotted someone and called out to them for help.

Spider-Man meets the 'Ninja' vs Puppy-Play.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora