The girl in the woods

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Charlie woke up early that morning. He had to, he was called in to work.

Unusual, he thought, it is my day off but it must be urgent..

Sunday mornings were quiet in the house of Henderson. If it could be classed as a house, it was just a small apartment and Charlie lived alone. He was taking a break from married life but would still visit occasionally.
As Charlie dressed, sliding on his black hooded jacket, his phone rang. He wanted to let it time out but it was his boss and he had to answer.
"DS Charlie where are you! We need you at Spring woods, NOW!" The voice on the other line screamed. Before he could even stumble for an answer, the call ended. Charlie knew it must be bad and he rushed to his car, almost forgetting to lock the door to his apartment. He could've fell down the stairs he was going so quick.
Charlie climbed into his car and began driving down the streets. It wasn't busy with cars but there was enough to start traffic.

Upon his arrival at the wood, Charlie had to wear disposable shoe covers and latex gloves. He dipped under the police tape, being to tall to just raise it. Waiting below an elderly oak tree was Barbara Ward, his boss and the detective chief inspector. She looked mad as she turned to look at him but she refrained from shouting and murmered, "we will talk about this when we get back to the station!" Barbara walked into the forest, dipping under low branches and leaves to protect the glossy but short brown hair she wore atop her head.
Charlie could have been less bothered about the leaves but he to protected his hair, especially since it was neat and tidy at the moment.
They strolled deeper into the woods, with a couple of police scanning the area and keeping watch. Charlie looked at them all, remembering the times he walked through the trenches in Afghanistan, gun in hand and camo combat clothing. He shook his head, that was the past. It's over.
The stop was made at a maple tree surrounded with caution tape, again Charlie ducked under and wandered closer to where the forensics were. The cameras flashed and clicked, everything could have been a piece of evidence.
The body lay under protection from the maple tree, Charlie could only just see the distorted face of the girl. It was odd and disgusting but he didn't make a sound, Barbara looked more then ready to throw up. He went closer and ducked under the branch that surrounded her body, it was even worse up close. Charlie bit his lip, "it looks quite bad.." he murmered, looking at the head forensic, Chris Francis, who's entire body was in a white suit with thin black glasses resting on the bridge of his broad nose.
"Yes, it's not the best way to look when you die." He replied, sounding sarcastic in Charlie's ears.
"Alright alright, calm down mate!" Charlie snapped back.
Barbara looked over at Charlie before turning to Chris, "Alright, well we'll need the evidence and post-mortem as soon as possible." Chris nodded and went back to taking photos of the body and surroundings.
Charlie followed Barbara back towards the cars, silent the whole way. "Will I see you at the station on time Charlie, hmm?" She asked Charlie and he simply nodded and smiled.
"You got it." He opened his door and climbed inside. He sighed and sat there for a few minutes, he watched Barbara drive off and some of the officers roamed around, exploring deeper into the woods. Who knows, maybe they are uncovering evidence while he has to go to the station.
He turned on the engine to his car and pulled off the dirt and onto the main road.


Charlie had a right telling off at the Station but it was worth the hassle.

Now they just had to uncover the evidence and cause of death.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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