#11: Miyuki-san Prism Smile....still active?

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Yesterday was probably the worst day ever.

Haruki is so mean! I wanna slap him when I see him next time, Argh!! He gets on my nerves....

I have to go see Miyuki. Just to cheer her up for ol' time sake. I guess I shouldn't let her go with Haruki.

I couldn't find Miyuki anywhere! I guess she's absent.

"Rin, have any news about Miyuki?" I asked her.

"No but I asked the guard and he said that she's present..." Rin told me while scratching her head...

"Seriously? Ughh... She might be in disguise mode or something...." I was thinking of an idea.

"Let's go at her house later. Maybe she's there." I suggests and she agreed.

I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell at the same time and a beautiful lady opened it.

"Oh! Welcome, you must be Miyuki's friends yes?" And we nodded.

"Kai and Rin yes? Here is a GPS to find your way in the house parts. Be our guest."

"Kai-oneechama and Rin-sama!! Yay!!!" The little girl who looks just like Miyuki but in the opposite way.

"Mizuki, behave. These are guests. Oh Gomen. This is my other playful child Mizuki. She'll take you to Miyuki's room"

"Thanks for inviting us in Mrs. Taname" Rin thanked and bowed for respect.

"Arigatou Mrs. Taname!" I bowed in a late manner.

"You're very welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay and feel comfortable. Now carry on" Mrs. Taname left us and looked like she continued her work.

This is one big place, Miyuki is such a rich kid pretty lucky.

We entered her room and it was a mess and wore something like to me us thw worst coordination ever!

"Miyuki-chan! What is gotten into you?!" She just laid her face down on the bef and she replied of nothing.

"Miyuki-san! Stand up and fight the complaints!" Rin shouted which I scolded her for.

"Rin! You shouldn't shout. You know she's upset right?" I told her.

"Yeah I know. But she has to experience how I do. Not everyone will always have a special treatment." Rin told me with her eyes filled with a bit of anger.

"Rin's...right, but..." She started crying again. We were all dumbfounded of the reason.

"Miyuki, you can't hide from us anymore. We are your friends! And somehow we might debut into 1 whole group in the coming days...Tell us the problem..." Rin told her right.

She stood up and sat down like a homeless person.

"It's just...Haruki hates me a lot. It just brings me down a lot--I respect him but he doesn't in return..." She just cried with the prism stones in her hand.

"Oh...I see. Maybe, He has a crush on you~~" And Miyuki started shaking her head and said.

"NOOO!!! NOT A CHANCE!!!! WHY WOULD YOU THINK OF THAT?!?!?!?!" She was doing a puking action and also coughing ones.

"Ahahaha! Just kidding! :P! Hey, wanna play in the play ground? Your house is so huge I must say..." Kai showed me the GPS that my mom gave her.

"Yeah sure! Wait for me~!" Miyuki entered Prism Space and just changed clothes."Alright! How do I look?"

"Miyuki is back to normal!" I smiled.

"Sumairu Sumairu~!! To the playground! Last one is a rotten chicken~~!!! Ahahah!" She dashed to the playground.

Pretty Rhythm: "Guardians of The Prism Rainbow" [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now