flooding memories

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Loid was instantly pissed of by the memories of that ugly dunk old man coming back. He went quite for the rest of the way to the city and as soon as they came close, Loid refused to go in and started to train none stop. Mostly focusing on golisopod. Lilith joined him at first but it was to intense for her to handle. (Geez Loid, are you ok?) She asked. Loid didnt answer and just continued to train his pokemon and also himself. Lilith decided to put on a a face mask and a wig to try and hide her identity, and then she decided to go to the town and se why Loid was so focused on training. In the town she saw two things, or rather two sides of the town. One side was rich and full of wealthy and happy people. And on the other side, there were old, sad, homeless, drunks who had no hope in life left.

One side looked like hevan and the other looked like hell. And the gym leader of the city was an old drunk, close to being retired. She decided to challenge the gym and the first pokemon the old man sent out was gyarados. Lilith sent out snorlax although even tho snorlax was big even for a snorlax, the gyarados was near double the size of snorlax. Gyarados used hydro pump and snorlax used body slam. Gyarados then used brine as snorlax used another body slam. Gyarados used another brine and snorlax was knocked out. Lilith then sent out amaura.  Amaura was going to use thunder wave but gyarados used hydro pump and finished it of before amaura could use the move. Lilith sent out fletchinder and used flail but gyarados used hydro pump again and fletchinder fainted.

Lilith decided to walk around the town a bit more and then she went back. Even tho a whole day has passed, Loid and his pokemon were still training. (Jesus christ go take a break!) Lilith yelled. (Not yet) Loid responded, sounding pist as hell. Loid sounded so angry that it even scared Lilith a little. She decided to just go to sleep and try to find a grass type pokemon in the morning. As Loid was training, he remembered some more of his childhood. He went back into his home. A giant white mansion with three floors and a giant back yard. (WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LATE!) His mother screamed. (You told me to leave so i did but i got hungry) Loid responded. (I TOLD YOU TO GO AND BUY ME SOME SNACKS!)She screamed back. (Yeah and then you got mad that i took to long to leave so you grabbed a chair and frew it at and. Then you screamed for me to leave and not come back.) Loid responded.

His mother didnt respond and sent out a houndoum. The houndoum chased Loid around the house. Loid jumped out of the window to escape but the pokemon followed. Before Loid could continue his trip through memory lane he decided to go to sleep, he didnt realise it but his trip through memory lane took longer than he thought and it was already midnight. When he woke up Lilith was already gone but she left a note. The note said that she would be gone for most of the day and if she came back and he was still training, she would not be happy. Loid laughed. (Whats she gonna do? Its not like she can stop me.) Loid said to himself. He then threw away the paper and started training. Lilith was running around in the forest, trying to find a grass type pokemon but she didnt find any pokemon at all. It was like they were all avoiding the city. The whole day was spent looking for pokemon so she went back and saw that Loid was still training.

(What the hell?!?! Didnt you see the note?!?!) She yelled. (Yeah but i ignored it) Lois responded. Lilith went behind him and smacked him on the back of his head.( The fuck!) Loid yelled. (Its not good for you to train for so long dumbass! Your still injured! Besides do you even know what your doing? Have you ever done anything like this before!?! I assume not since when we first met your wimpod was really weak!!) She yelled back. (Just go to bed and leave me the fuck alone!) Loid yelled at her, being pist of by her comment of wimpod being weak in the past. Lilith stormed of to her tent and went to bed. Loid would continue to train for the rest of the night and go to bed around 9 am. Lilith woke up around an hour later and decided to try and challenge the gym again.

She sent out snorlax as the gym leader sent out gyarados again. Gyarados used hydro pump although this one was stronger then the other attacks it had previously used. Or blew of her wig and then she noticed that the gym leader started to recognize her. Most likely having seen her from the news. (Uh can we pause? I need to pee!) She said while running to the bathroom. However when she was in there she heard the police outside the door. (LILITH WE KNOW YOURE IN THERE IF YOU DONT COME OUT WE WILL DRAG YOU OUT!) They yelled. Lilith decided that she wouldnt go down without a fight so she sent out snorlax and it burst through the door. However before the fight could continue, screams were geared from outside. (WHERE IS THE OLD MAN!?!? IM GONNA KILL THAT DRUNK POKEMON ABUSING BASTARD!!!!) A familiar voiced screamed. Then Loid and his golisopod burst through the door. (YOURE DEAD YOU OLD DRUNK!!!!) Loid screamed at the gym leader. (FINALLY!!!! I STARTED THINKING YOU DIED OR SOMETHING!!!!) The old man screamed back while sending out his gyarados. (USE FIRST IMPRESSION!) Loid screamed. (HYDRO PUMP!)  The old man ordered. (USE LIQUIDATION!) Loid screamed back. (DODGE IT! NOW USE HYDRO PUMP!!!) The old man yelled. Loid used liquidation again and he managed to finish of the gyarados. The old man sent out blastoise as Loid switched to a venusaur. (When the hell did you catch that!?!) Lilith asked. The blastoise used rain dance as venusaur used vinewhip to hold it in place and then used razor leaf to finish it of.

Then vaporeon was sent out. Venusaur used sleep powder and then razor leaf. Vaporeon woke up tho and used muddy water but venusaur avoided it. The gym leader sent out swampert as venusaur used another sleep powder. Swampert dodged it and used supersonic. Even tho venusaur was confused, it still managed to use razor leaf and defeat the swampert instantly. Wailord was next so venusaur used another razor leaf. The wailord used heavy slam but venusaur used another razor leaf to finish it of. Lapras was sent out next and it started to go gigantamax. (ALRIGHT USE THE Z MOVE!!!!) Loid screamed out. Venusaur used the grass type Z move, bloom doom and instantly made the lapras faint.

(HAH EAT SHIT OLD MAN!!!!) Loid screamed at the top of his lungs. (Yeah yeah peice of shit. How the hell did you get that wimpod to become stro) The gym leader was cut of by Loid and golisopod both started to beat the old man. More police started to barge in but Loid sent out his other pokemon to deal with them. Eventually there were to many cops and Loid had to run away. He grabbed Lilith by the arm and pulled her on to the back of steelix. The they mega evolved him and charged out of there. It took a while but they managed to escape the polise. However while sneaking back to their campsite were their tents were, they walked past the remains of a mansion that looked like it was burned down. Memories instantly started flooding back to Loid. He remembered himself sneaking into hes parents bedroom and trying them up with roap. Then he woke them up by beating them.

(WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?) His father screamed out. (SHUT UP! YOU KILLED MY SISTER AND TOURTURED US FOR OUR WHOLE LIVES! He screamed back. Then he took some gasoline and poured it on them. After that he took a match and lit it.(WAIT PLEASE! WHAT DO YOU WANT? ILL GIVE YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT!) His mother yelled out. (I want you to die. I want both of you to die and to have my sister back. But that last thing wont happen now will it?) Loid responded before putting the lit match on his parents. A giant flame ignited as his parents were burned alive. Although it did not go as planned. The rope holding them back had burned of and with their last but of strength, his parents reached for a pokèball and sent out houndoum. Loid ran for his life, flipping over bookshelves and whatever he found along the way. Just doing anything to get away from the pokemon as the house was burning down. Although eventually Loid was blocked by a large flame. He turned around but there was houndoum. Having no other choice, he jumped out of the window.

Houndoum followed him and started attacking Loid with everything that it had. It pinned Loid to the ground and was just about to kill him with a flamethrower, but Loid managed to get his arm free and he ripped out the eye of houndoum. The pokemon roared in pain as Loid started to choke it. It used flamethrower over and over again but Loid used his hands to keep houndoum's head away from him. The houndoum kicked Loid aswell, fighting for his life and ending up breaking Loids ribs. Loid managed to grab a rock and started smashing houndoum's skull with it. He kept smashing its skull until he was forced to leave because of the fire. Loid would run away from his brukning house and started looking for help. But everyone that looked at him was filled with disgust. Even tho Loid was the child of two rich people, he still wasnt tooken care of so he looked like a dirty homeless kid.

One woman he asked for help kicked him in the face as hard as she could. So that night Loid followed her home and stole her things as revenge. For Loid, it felt good to steal. It was the only way he could get revenge without killing them in his mind. He started stealing from everyone, and started living under a bridge. It was better then living around a bunch of people who wanted him dead. However one day, he was approached by the same houndoum. (What? How? I killed you!) Loid yelled out in confusion. The houndoum bit him by the neck and threw him around. Loid picked up a rock again but the houndoum pinned down his arms. Loid was about to pass out, there was not much he could do. In his struggle, he kicked a rock and made it Rumble a bit. The noice temporarily distracted houndoum. Loid got both his arms free and ripped out the other eye aswell.

Houndoum roared in pain and then started using flamethrower on everything around it. It managed to hit Loid a few times and it started to burn Loids oversized torn and dirty hoodie. Loid took it of and threw it at houndoum but it didnt do anything. Then Loid threw a rock into the water. Houndoum heard it and jumped towards the noise. Loid got on the pokemon's back and started so smash its skull with a rock again. Houndoum rolled over and got Loid of him. Houndoum tried to bite Loid but missed so Loid but his entire waight on houndoum's head and kept it under the water of the bridge, trying to drown it. Houndoum struggled as much as it could but eventually it drowned. (Hey Loid come on we gotta go!) Lilith yelled. Loid was snapped out of it and they continued back to their camp site. Once they got there, they packed up their things and instantly went to the next town.

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