Prologue: When life takes a turn

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"All of reality started out from an idea. When we humans first gained consciousness, we had the hunger for curiosity that defined who we were. Soon, we started to move forward and disregarded our shadows that grew bigger the more we advanced into the Age of Enlightenment. Wars were fought, followed by an era of peace and this process was repeated for millenniums. This cycle of hate and suffering surely has an end... wouldn't it? But what would it take to bring us to face our shadows? Is it time itself that holds the key to this answer? Or will time become an enemy that not even a thousand King Flamesteps can destroy?" - James Holden, one of the last true humanists of the twentieth century, third millennium.


Location: North Western Quadrant of the 25th Fortress Aka 25th Quad.

Formerly: Brooks, Newell County

Date: October 17, 2147

It was a dark afternoon when I first felt it. The crippling realization that I had gotten used to not feeling anything at all. 

I used to dream of becoming a writer and ended up here, on my couch, eating pizza. 

I lived vicariously through the characters as it made me feel like I could escape this reality. Sometimes I feel I still do to this day. 

I wanted to be immortal and all-powerful. But I knew that no matter how much I daydreamed this will never come to be. 

Besides, to what end would I need that kind of power anyways?

"It's not too bad" I would often mutter under my breath whenever I start to feel longing for experiences that I did not get to have. 

I have thought of ending my life multiple times and last night was the closest I ever came. However, I figured if my life was going to only be a pain, I might as well see if I would break or find happiness. 

"Oh right, I have that proof reader job to do. Good thing my computer's been on."

He boots it up and logs in to the website where he proof reads chapters of Manhwas for fifty cents a piece. 

He gets into a group call in Discord with the editor and they explain that they have a new series for the website. 

"Hey. Hey! Hal are you listening!?" Grace calls out to Hal who seems about ready to pass out

"Huh? Hu- Oh right sorry, I was on my sofa writing stories since last night haha" 

Grace looks at him worried

"It's eight A.M bro, you know you're not going to live long if you keep this up."

Hal laughs nervously and tries deflecting her comment

"Anyway, well that's new, I'm never assigned the first few chapters of a series. Any idea what brought this up?"

Grace's face turns more serious

"That's the thing. The company who wants us to distribute their series this time is none other than Next gen EXo Tech Corp or NEXT corp."

Hal is taken aback

"Aren't they that world-wide corporation that makes futuristic technology and suits for Hunters?"

Grace nods

"That's what makes this weird, they specifically asked for you to review their web comic. Even I haven't seen it. Apparently you will know what the password is once you see the login screen for the website."

Now nervous, he clicks the file Grace sent and begins downloading it.

"Well, you now the drill. I'll get back to you with those translated works and I'll have some money to sustain myself once again"

Grace still worried, says goodbye to Hal 

"Well, if anything comes up, just let me know. Good luck!"

As I walked over to my bed, I played the usual song I play and a thought occurred to me. That if I die listening to this song, I wouldn't mind it, since it is very beautiful. 

I let my head dig into the old pillow that I have always used and fell asleep to another dreamless night. 

Little by little, as I start to feel like I can finally sleep, I list off what I know currently, about who I am as well as what my dreams are in case I wake up in the afterlife. 

This has become somewhat of a nightly tradition for me ever since I thought up the idea when I realized I started getting more forgetful because of stress.

My name is Hal Vorsen. I am lying in bed tired because I just got off my shift from Stellar Mart™

I'm a guy who just wants to have peace in this life in any way, especially mentally. 

As for my hobbies, I like to write, make songs, and think of just about everything such as how I could magically trigger the fire alarm so I can go home early. 

I, unfortunately, prove the stereotype of quiet people being those that have very 'unique' hobbies such as staying inside my house and preferring watching my favorite series for whole days.

Despite my social anxiety, however, I still put on a smile for everyone in hopes that it will reach those who actually needed it that day, to have their slack cut even by a tiny bit.

Well, enough about that. I can finally get some sleep and if I'm lucky, I might be able to dream of something other than that bizarre dream I had last night where I was suspended in outer space. 


That still sends shivers down my back...

Hopefully not.....

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