character info

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Name: Alice Moon
Age: 19
Gender: female, questioning bisexual/lesbian
Height: 5'5"
Species: White fox *Rare*
Backstory: her father didnt like her being a fox so he sent her to a lab for 16 years and they finally let her go after they have all their knowledge they wanted from her so she is now free to be herself, a free adult. Doesnt have a strong grasp on what love is.

Name: Daniel King
Age: 22
Gender: male, bisexual
Height: 6'4"
Species: Alpha wolf
Backstory:born into a mafia family so his family rules the town his father is out doing missions and his mother is in hiding. Is single.

Name: Liam King
Age: 42
Gender: male
Height: 6'5"
Species: alpha wolf
Backstory: Daniel's and Charlie's father

Name: Henriette king
Age: 40
Gender: female
Height: 5'11"
Species: alpha fox (rare)
Backstory: Daniel's and Charlie's mother, is in hiding due to her being an alpha fox.

Name: Charlotte/Charlie King
Age: 23
Gender: female, lesbian
Height: 6'0"
Species: Omega fox/wolf mix
Backstory:  Daniel's sister and  part fox she she in danger but she is identified as a wolf by the government, is single

Name: Mark Edwards
Age: 25
Gender: Male, bisexual
Height: 5'7"
Species: beta wolf
Backstory: works for the king family, dating ash knight.

Name: Ash knight
Age: 26??
Gender: ???, pansexual
Height: 6'6"
Species: dragon
Backstory: guardian of the king family, dating mark Edwards.

Name: John Moon
Age: 46
Gender: male
Height: 6'3"
Species: omega wolf
Backstory: Alice's abusive father

Prompt: alice just got out of the lab and is now going shopping with the big amount of money they gave her to survive off of for the rest of her life from the research. Her father doesnt know that she has been let out yet and is awaiting a phone call so he can go out and kill her so he can get her money, because he knows she doesnt know what love is at all and wont be able to have anyone to give her money too.
Daniel is looking for a new victim to have sex with at the local strip club and he gets bored. Charlie is watching alice because she is also a fox and Charlie thinks shes pretty. Mark is watching over charlie. Liam is away doing a mission, looking for alice actually and Henriette is hiding for protection.

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