Part 1

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It was a serene morning with the melodious songs of birds, the gentle rustling of trees, the distant whispers of the wind, and the rumble of distant thunder. "Ah, yet another rainy day," she sighed, rising from her bed. Rain had always been her preferred retreat. She gathered her hair and secured it in a bun using a hair clip from the nearby table. Sharing her room were three dogs and four cats, who often greeted her with affectionate licks upon waking up. "Thomas, mischievous one! Haha, alright, alright. Who's a good boy?" She playfully interacted with her pets before finally leaving her bed. She had a strong preference for tidiness and order, but she also found joy in embracing moments of clumsiness, knowing that her mindset might shift unexpectedly. 

Dressed in a synthetic shorts and top, she slipped on her favourite blue slippers and made her way out of the room. Her beloved pets eagerly trailed behind her as she entered the living room. Gently placing Thomas on the floor, she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. This was her usual morning ritual - she would cleanse her face, brush her teeth, and then proceed downstairs to indulge in a steaming cup of coffee. Upon entering the kitchen, she skillfully brewed a robust cup of pure black coffee, her favored option without any added sugar. 

With a vast garden surrounding her, she would often sit amidst its beauty and engage in painting. Carrying the coffee carefully, she made her way to the porch where she set it down on the table alongside her personal diary. To ensure her furry companions were content, she provided treats for her dogs, cats, and even her two rabbits, who were presented with fresh carrots. While her pets played and indulged in their snacks, she savored the dreary weather, the refreshing breeze, the smell of mud, and the warmth of her coffee. Journaling acted as her coping mechanism, allowing her to declutter her thoughts and maintain her sense of self.

"I have been incredibly fortunate as God has bestowed upon me a life that resembles a dream," she expressed, gazing up at the sky and conversing with it. Almost as if in response, gentle raindrops began to fall. "I am tremendously grateful to you! Thank you!" she exclaimed, and the sky resounded with thunder. She resided alone, renowned for her compassion and talent in creating portraits. Painting was a source of joy for her. Every portrait she painted carried a message, though it remained a mystery to others. Her own paintings contradicted her intended message. She generously taught children the art of painting without charge, as they were the very reason she lived. Her love for her pets was unparalleled, and her life was dedicated to the well-being of children.

She owned a charming café that was attached to her residence. She dedicated a significant portion of her time to its operation. Every customer was served with genuine affection and care. The café had gained a reputation for her exceptional hospitality. It was named 'tu es...iris.'

In French, 'tu es' is the equivalent of 'you are' and 'iris' is derived from the Greek language. 'Iris' refers to the Goddess of Rainbow and implies the concept of the rainbow itself. Thus, the name of the café signifies 'you are... rainbow.' The café lives up to its name with its delightful ambiance. The interior is adorned with captivating portraits made by her, while the exterior resembles a vibrant garden. Various flowers in different colors thrive in the surroundings, and there is even an area where visitors can feed birds, making it common to spot new species. The picturesque view is both colorful and soothing. Additionally, the coffee and tea served are of exceptional quality, while the muffins and pastries are pure culinary delight.  Despite little being known about her, she consistently manages to surprise everyone with something new, no matter how well they think they know her. 

She sat enjoying the rainfall for approximately half an hour before getting up to take a shower. Her daily routine remained consistent as she made sure not to miss out on spending time in the midst of nature. Despite the loud sound of the rain, she remained attentive to other sounds and her surroundings, exhibiting an extraordinary level of alertness. Suddenly, she heard the distant screeching of tires. Although she initially turned to investigate, she eventually decided to retreat indoors, as she wasn't anticipating anyone's presence during such early hours. Afterall, the café hadn't even opened yet, as it typically operates from 9:00 a.m onwards and currently, the clock had hardly struck 7:00 a.m.

She noticed the noise coming from her gates, giving the impression that someone had entered. The sound of the gates was quite clear, allowing her to distinguish it within a few seconds. Her keen perception was unmatched. Curious, she stepped outside to investigate, only to find nobody present.  Initially perplexed, she eventually chuckled, attributing the noise to her pets, and resumed her journey to her room.

She came to an abrupt halt, her gaze fixated on the area just around the corner of her porch. Resting against the wall, she noticed a black umbrella, with water droplets accumulating around it on the ground. Next to the umbrella were a pair of men's shoes. It struck her as odd, considering that no man resided with her, and visitors to her home were rare, especially at such an early hour. Her house had a distinct entrance, with a common gate and two smaller gates on either side upon opening it. One led to her house and the other to the  café  .  To avoid any confusion, a sign at her entrance gate clearly pointed in the opposite direction, indicating the way to the café.  Hence, it was highly unlikely for someone to mistake her house for the café. She remained calm and unfazed, showing no signs of panic or fear.  As she approached the porch, the man's legs came into view, clad in socks. Her pets, known for their friendliness, began to gather around him, wagging their tail, eagerly jumping and showering him with affectionate licks. It was evident that he had a remarkable rapport with animals. As she drew closer, she called to her pets, who promptly followed and entered together. To keep them busy, she rewarded them with treats, while making her way to the porch.  And there, sitting, was him. An attractive young man, roughly her age, sporting stylish black sunglasses, dressed impeccably in a navy suit, and wearing a flawlessly tied necktie. As she glanced at him, her initial remark caught him off guard, "glasses." He was taken aback since her relaxed demeanor contrasted with the usual apprehension that people displayed in his presence. However, for the first time, someone didn't flinch or retreat. In response, he removed his glasses, compelled by the directness of her gaze. Subconsciously, the man rose from his seat.

She inquired, "May I ask who you are, sir?" Curiously, she mentioned, "I apologize, but the café is located at the other entrance. I believe you may have missed the sign." He replied skeptically, "I'm on my way home from work and I've heard many conversations about this place, which sparked my interest. Hence, I decided to make a brief visit and see it for myself." "You can wait-...," she started to say, but he cut her off. "The café is closed, so I opted to come here instead. I saw you about to head back inside." Without giving her a chance to respond, he moved closer, leaving only a small gap between them, and locked eyes with her. "I'm in a terrible mood, miss. I urgently require my coffee. A cappuccino. If you don't get it for me now... don't say I didn't forewarn you," he warned, taking a step back. She had a strong aversion to receiving commands, especially from individuals like him. However, she possessed a keen awareness of how to effectively manage their expectations. Despite her reservations, she managed to maintain her composure in the face of his request and calmly inquired, "Would you prefer to dine here or take your order to go?" To which he responded, "Here."

She attempted to leave, but he halted her once more. "By the way,I'm Simon Bryce," he stated, extending his hand. She glanced at him without any visible reaction and replied, "Aamanda." She shook his hand briefly and tried to release her grip, but he persisted in holding on tightly. He slipped his left hand around her waist and pulled her closer. "Say it in full," he demanded. Despite his egoistical nature, he had an unwavering insistence on things being done his way. To be listened to and spoken to, precisely as he preferred. She attempted to free herself from his hold, yet her efforts only resulted in him tightening his grasp and diminishing the distance separating them.

"Stay tuned for part 2."

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