Forever Unstoppable - Exclamation Point one shot

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His hand engulfed hers, & like a glove that was too big, it kept her warm.

She had been crying all night, tear streaks on her cheeks.

But each one never got to fall, for they were all stopped by the pad of his thumb.

They were lying together, molded perfectly into one another’s sides.

They had been dating for a month, and for her, it was a dream come true.

All her wishes were granted when she got to hug him for the first time.

This was the first time they had physically been able to meet.  

He lives in Maryland, and she lives in New Jersey.

And for years, she swore this wouldn’t come to be.

He gently tangled his hands in her hair, and pulled her chin up.

Each time he touched her, a new wave of sparks fell over her.

Lord of the rings was playing in the background, Bilbo Baggins speaking to Gandalf.

She was looking into his eyes, distracted away from the movie.

She’d been there for 2 days, and they’ve yet to kiss.

But Kim and Danny were two shy kids that didn’t need to rush, because, well, Danny figured they’d have all the time in the world.

His eyes were glassy too.

He was afraid to lose her.

Danny was insecure, and so was Kim.

They both swore they weren’t good enough for each other.

But they hardly realized they were meant to be together.

Two nerds that quote lord of the rings, and have a map of middle earth, text and tweet, and have both been hurt too many times.

They were both afraid to fall.

Afraid to be broken again.

He leaned down, and placed a gentle kiss on her lips,

A tear rolling down his cheek at that moment, making their first kiss salty.

They hardly realized that their love was built up on insecurities, and trust.

The two things that aren’t common in this world anymore.

They never expected to be involved in a love that seemed so subtle, but was so strong.

Kim never expected Danny to give his heart to her.

Danny never expected Kim’s heart in return.

But what the both didn’t expect was that their wedding song would be ‘forever unstoppable’.

But you know what?

That’s exactly what it was.

That’s exactly what they were.

Forever unstoppable. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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