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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, the sun's light shining on my face.


That would be a dream come through.

As usual I woke up to my parents arguing. It's getting annoying but you'd get used to it.

I'm getting ready for school even though I'd rather not. I'm in the middle of getting ready when I hear my name screamed from downstairs.

SAPPHIRE!!!!. Get down here this instant. My mum screamed.

Gee what a way to wake up your only kid. I roll my eyes and yell a quick I'm coming.

I round up with getting dressed and entered the kitchen to see my mum murmuring something along the lines of how nobody seems to understand.

Well dear mother you have a kid who's falling into depression and you don't seem to notice.

So I think I'm the one with the right to complain.

"Morning". I said not out of love or respect but out of obligation.

"Look at the time you're waking up for school, you should practice being responsible as a girl. YOU DON'T WANT TO END UP BEING LIKE YOUR FATHER". She said but I think the last part was purposely to anger my dad.

My dad never seems to learn that mum is never gonna stop blabbering and responding to her will only make things worse.

So he does something I consider stupid and dumb. That is responding to her.

He said "Well at least I'm nothing like you". Seriously dad, that's what you come up with?!?.

My mum continues the argument saying- "I know where my mates are and where I'm supposed to be but because I'm stuck to such a bad luck like YOU, who keeps dragging me back-

This is were I have to break it up.

"Mum I think you should stop now". I said.

"Sapphire are you supporting him? Do you know I'm the one paying all the bills, your fees. I have to work everyday to feed you and this man and all I ask of you is to support me, and you can't do it."

She paused and I didn't say anything.

"But let me tell you. If I die this man you call a father won't take you to school and he'd probably marry another woman and you'd end up being a slave. Do you want that?".

I was about to walk out when she said- "Sapphire this is all your fault. Me and your father were happy before you came along-"

"Well I didn't ask to be here. Hell, I'd be anywhere but here." I cut her off

"Everyday I regret being here because I can't stand you and dad". I said

I didn't wait for her to respond. I forget I had to be in school but honestly I couldn't care less.

I didn't want to admit that I was crying.

Well today is off to a great start. Sarcasm intended.


I walked to school to see whether the sadness can go away to no avail

I got to school feeling blue; the irony

But I have to mask the sadness with a smile.

I'm not the only one that does this..... Right? But for somebody with emotional issues it should be normal.

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