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Before Maerys left to Kings Landing, with a boat,her mother Rhaenyra stopped to talk with  her. 

- Maerys, wait. Rhaenyra said.

- Yes, mom ?

- I know that i had hidden some things from you, and i am sorry for this, and for not being a good mother. Rhaneyra said, almost crying

- Mom, don t say that, you are the Best mom that could a daughter ever had, and don t be sorry for hidden things from me.

- I have seen that you and Daemon became good friends...  . Rhaenyra said with a small smile

-Yes, i am glad that he is your husband, he is a good man. When Rhaenyra eas happy to heard such beautiful words came from her daughter mouth.

-About Daemon.... he is......well.... your father. Rhaenyra said

- I know , and i love to have a father like him. 

- Be careful there, the Queen can be very mean and cunning.

- I know, i am a little scared about this wedding beetwen me and Aegon

- I don t know my step-brother very well but i don t think wedding beetwen you and him is a but thing.

- I can t believet you said this words, you hate Aegon. Maerys said with a sarcastic voice

- I don t hate him, i just can not stand him. But also have seen how he looked at you, yesterday and during dinner

- What do you mean, mom ? 

-  You will find out soon.

- I am the only one who has no dragon, even Joffrey has a dragon now. Maerys said with such a sad voice

- You know, your father claimed a dragon at 15, maybe you will have the same destiny. Maybe your dragon will be Vermithor or Silverwing... . Rhaenyra was trying to make her daughter to feel better.

- Or Cannnibal... Maerys said with a smile

- Gods, that is a wild dragon who never had a rider !  But, destiny is an uncertain path. Rhaenyra said

- Off you go, then, sweet Mary

- Aegon called me like that. when Rhaenyra heard that she tough that not all the Greens are bad like Alicent and Otto.

- Bye, Mother

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