Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3


Since everyone wants to be perfect, they do all they can to reach their goal. Walking up an infinite amount of steps to reach where they want to be. We develop an unstoppable curiosity. We begin to question our miserable state, and blame everyone but ourselves. We fail to realize that it is due to ourselves that we have deteriorated to such a maniacal level of arrogance and ignorance. Then we proceed to do all we can, no matter what to reach the goal of being perfect.


. . .

Ryder Pov

By the beginning of December, gymnastics season was getting pretty intense, and we all working hard more than ever, some even more so than others. In a week was our meet against Stanford, our biggest rival, seeing as the only other college with gymnastics in California. No surprise that Danielle Sims went there also.

Every year, it always was a close one, but in the last two years, since NCAA opened up colleges to girls gymnastics, it every meet was unpredictable. All these new girls were coming from everywhere, and it almost looked as if they were better than us guys.

This year in particular though, was going to be close. Since Coach Burns discovered Gabrielle, UCLA has finally gained the edge they needed. But with that being said, so did Stanford.

This year was going to be a lot of pressure on Bri to perform her best. And as of late, I didn’t think that it was going to happen.

Lately, all she ever does is schoolwork, which she never does, and extra practices, besides the extra ones we already do at night. It looks as if though, she’s shut down again. I swear she locks herself up in her room, and doesn’t leave unless it’s necessary. She’s been wearing band aids on her wrist, and she looks like a twig. If this keeps up, I don’t think there will be anything left on her.

Luke has noticed it too, and always trying to cook her favorite mac and cheese, which she just eats, and according to Leah, she throws it up later on. It’s best to say I’m not happy about what she is doing to herself.

Leah, Luke, the triplets and I have tried to take her out, but she always politely declines. I’ve been scratching my eyes out, trying to figure out what to do.

As I’m lying on my bed, trying to figure out what to do, Gabrielle texted me:

Hey, I’m not going to make it for dinner tonight, got to study. - Bri

I stared wide eyed at the screen, and thought of a quick plan to get her to go out tonight. I was going to shove some food down her throat, and it was going to stay there.

I texted the triplets, Jake, Kane and Will, to meet me at my dorm, explaining the situation to them.

Ten minutes later, all of the guys came in my dorm, and we came up with our plan.

. . .

I knocked on her dorm door, and Leah opened. She gladly let all five us in, telling me that she’s in the shower.

When she came out of the shower, she was shocked to see all of in her room. After hugging each of the guys, she walked over to me, and I hugged her tightly, spinning her around to test her weight. As I set her down, I looked over at Luke and gave him a slight glance. I thought I was sly enough but she caught me speaking to Luke with my eyes.

“What’s wrong? Why are you all here?” She asks.

Holding my tongue, I replied, “Nothing just that we all wanted to hang with our favorite girl.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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