Chapter 1

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"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE FOR ONCE!! I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT TO MARRY HER!!" Alex screamed at his stepparent. 

"I don't care what you want!" His stepfather yelled back. "You're going to marry her!" 

Alex stood there for a few seconds before flipping him off and going upstairs. As he got into his room and locked the door there was stomping following him up. He slumped against the door and put his hand in his knees, hugging them. 

His stepfather banged on the door repeatedly, yelling curse words and stuff. Alex kept himself quiet to avoid further damage. 

"No wonder your mother left." Larry, (stepfather) said leaving to go back downstairs. 

That was it.

Alex got up emotionlessly and went over to his dresser. He opened the second to the last drawer. He dug around a few seconds before pulling out his pocketknife from the bottom. 

He carried the knife in his left hand, keeping it hidden as he opened the door to go downstair. He looked in the mirror across the hall. Alex smiled and went down the big wooden staircase.

As he entered the now visible living room, he stopped his stepfather on the couch with an Angry Orchard in his hand. 

Alex walked silently behind the couch. Larry bellowed a laughter as his show continued playing. He looked around one last time before bringing a quick but sure fatal slash across his neck. 

He smiled as the crimson blood flowed down Larrys shirt. His hand was trying to stop the flow but failed. There was a gurgling sound before his stepfather ceased all movement. 

"Dead. Finally." Alex started cackling uncontrollably. He felt free. He wouldn't get beat anymore; he wouldn't have to listen to him again. In fact, he would never have to see him again. 

There was no need to clean anything, besides his hands and knife. 

After that he was about to leave the house never to return, when he turned to his dead stepfather.

"Sayanora fucker." He said saluting his leaving. The air bit at his warm skin as he walked the streets. 

He stuffed the clean knife in his jacket pocket. He knew of a spot under a bridge he could stay. 

Food wasn't going to be a problem.

He lays down a soft blanket on the floor of the underside of the bridge. His backpack was full of everything he was going to need. School he could walk to, one of the benefits of having no friends was nobody would care where he lived.

Alex laid there for a few hours before sleep took him.

When he awoke the next morning, there was a familiar feeling of guilt and sorrow. He got up, ignoring it, stretched, and got his stuff ready for school.

The walk to school was treacherous, one reason was all Alex wanted to do was jump into traffic but also because school was one of the worst places to be. 

He finally entered the school at 8:21, 4 minutes before the bell. 

Alex quickly waked to his locker, avoiding all social interaction. People stared at him and talked but he didn't care. He got his locker and put his stuff away, grabbing a pencil, laptop, and book. He slammed his locker shut quickly getting to class. 

Once he sat at his spot, he felt a piece of paper hit the back of his head. Typical.

He looked back at Orvil. "What do you want now?" Alex said trying to keep calm. 

Orvil chuckled and said, "When did you get a voice? Usually all I get is a glair. Mommy finally come back and teach you to use your words?"

Alex's mom left when he was 5 years old, and his dad died in an accident. Alex was not going to deal with this today. "No, I just realized that the reason your dad left was because of you." He said smirking.

"What did you just say?!" Orvil yelled jumping out of his seat. 

Mr. Makerval had to yell for him to sit back down, Orvil getting detention at the same time. 


Alex sat at the same table he always did and began eating. The broccoli was very distasteful, but the milk was able to wash it down.  He looked around. There were a group of girls at the table next to him and a group of boys across the lunchroom. 

Couple of scattered students at random tables as well but they didn't matter.  He had to steer clear of the groups to avoid getting beat. The girls often taunted him whenever they could, and the boys shoved him around. He would often go home with a black eye.  

Something else pecked him. What would he do when his stepfather was found? What would he do if the police found him? 

Alex rummaged through the possibilities. The bill was just paid that month so that should help. He could just sneak in to get food when he really needed it. (which wouldn't be a very long time)


Alex felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. 

An image of his stepfather flashed in his brain. He quickly slapped the hand away turning around.

A boy, probably his age, stood there holding his hand, surprised, hurt and confusion written all over his face. He turned around a ran down the hallway in the lunchroom.

Alex followed trying to stop him. "H-hey! Stop! Please!" He pleaded running after him, gaining.

The boy took a right and Alex followed right on his tail. He grabbed the boy's sweater hood and they slowed, he boy trying to get him to let go. 

"Let me go! I-I'm sorry!" He pleaded struggling. 

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna talk." Alex said calmly. The boy looked at him hesitantly. Now that Alex could really get a good look at him, he could make out one thing.

He was terrified. His expression was worry and panic but slowly dissipated. He was actually really cute if he was to say so.

Alex slowly let go of his hoodie to make sure he didn't run again. The boys flinched slightly as Alex lifted his arm to fix his hair. "I-I'm not gonna hurt you." Alex said carefully lowering his arm to his side.

The boy nodded quickly, not fully convinced. "What's your name?" Alex asked cocking his head to the side a little. 

"Maysin." He said quietly. He was looking down, like he was expecting something else, but shot up at the sound of the question. "I'm Alex." He said holding a hand out. 

Maysin then did something unexpected. His arms wrapped around Alex like he was scared for his life. Alex didn't know what to do.

Slowly he brought his arms up to return the hug he was receiving. Maysin flinched but it wouldn't have been noticeable if he wasn't hugging him. Gradually Maysin tightened his hug and held it. Alex did the same. He heard a sharp intake of breath from Maysin as he did. 

Alex was actually enjoying the hug for the first time in his life. 

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