-twenty one-

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Khloe frowns at the caption on the post "new romance" what just because we were walking into the paddock together??
She turns off her phone and sets it to the side, pulls out her laptop from the drawer and gets on to doing some emails. Even though Charles said we don't have to work till 10 she just decided to do it anyways. She accepts many interviews for Charles to go to but she remembers he said he especially wants to do the Sky Sports one since he heard something about Lissie Mackintosh taking the lead on that.

I scheduled that for later on today at 4 in between FP1 and FP2 so hopefully that's alright for him. After about an hour Charles comes into my office and when he already sees me working he questions what I'm doing.
I tell him that I've just been replying to emails and stuff, and that I've booked his sky sports interview for 4 o'clock with Lissie.
He thanks me and tells me that Carlos wanted me and he's outside his drivers room hoping to talk to me.
"Oh right okay ill be back soon then! See you Charles" Khloe smiles at him then walks into his drivers room the leaves.

Indeed Carlos was waiting outside his drivers room, the first thing he does is gives the girl a hug. Which she obviously returns, then he asks if she's seen the post on Instagram about them both. Khloe said yeah she's seen it, it's so dramatic we literally just walked in together and they think it's a "new romance".
He agrees with what she just said with is being over dramatic, they both then decide to sit outside the hospitality on a small bench so they weren't just stood up talking for a while.

Khloe takes a seat on the bench next to Carlos and they talk about their childhoods, Khloe mentioned that her best friend left when they were both 12 to go to the senior racing leagues, and she hasn't heard from him since. When Khloe mentioned his name was Daniel, Carlos immediately said
"Ricciardo? Daniel Ricciardo.."
Khloe was shocked, she hadn't heard that name in years, she slowly nodded her head at Carlos and he seemed shocked.

"He's here Khloe, he races in f1, he races in Alpha Tauri."

What. He can't be? He told me he would keep in touch and he's here racing at the top? Why didn't he keep in touch with me I could have been here for him, attending these races with him. Supporting him.

"I can't talk to him Carlos, the whole situation it's just too much,it's been 10 years Carlos. 10 years!" i say shakily

"I know Khloe, I know and I understand that he didn't keep it contact with you, but wouldn't you want to hear his side of the story?"

"No, I don't want to. He should be the one that wants to tell me his side of the story, so I'm not talking to him." Khloe says bluntly

Carlos laughs "Oh really? Look who's coming this way"

I mumble "shit"

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