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"What did I tell you guys about knocking?!" She yelled quickly removing her hand from her pants.

"What's the big deal?" Asked Tom as he sat next to her

"Get away from me perv." She said pushing him, off the bed.

"Did you find the tape?" He asked sitting back down

"Yea. I was waiting for you guys." She said as she clicked play on her tv, 4 kids were seen, oliva with her guitar, trey with his bass guitar, james with his drums, and isis at the very front with her microphone.

"Look that's me." She said pointing at the little girl in the front

"You were so cute. I wonder what happened.." muttered Tom

"Okay you can leave then." She laughed

"I was joking."

"Okay shh they're gonna play!" Said bill

(The song : say yes to heaven by Lana del Rey. )

"Your voice was even amazing when your were what? 12 ? 13?"


"Yea whatever!"

After the band was done 'preforming' tom and bill clapped, Tom did it to be funny and bill did it to be supportive.

"ew never again." She said turning off her tv.

Before Tom or bill could reply, they heard 3 knocks at the door.

"We're you waiting for someone?" Asked bill curiously


"Oh shoot. I completely forgot that the girls were coming over today."

"What girls?"

"Lili, Emma, and Laura."

"So do you want us to leave."

"3 girls bill, hell no I'm not leaving." Laughed Tom.

"You guys can stay.. whatever." Said an annoyed isis as she rushed downstairs to open the door

"Heyy! Sorry I have other friends over.. I forgot we were hanging out."

"Oh it's fine! I'm sure we can be fri-' Laura cut herself off when she saw Tom and bill. She fixed her hair and pushed past isis.

Isis just pressed her lips into a thin line as she watched Laura greet Tom and bill instead of her.

"Emma!" Said isis trying sound excited, but Emma just rolled her eyes and pushed past her as well.

Isis turned around and gave tom an annoyed look, he saw this and shot her a sorry look but he didn't  look like he meant it. And to make things even better, Lili only greeted her and went to tom & bill.

"I'm gonna go get something in my room..." she said but only bill nodded and smiled.

Isis went upstairs and shut her door, also locking it. She sat on her hanging chair and buried her head in her hands. This always happened. Whether it was with trey, or James, or even Tom and bill. She had been so tired of this for so long but didn't even bother to say anything because no one would listen.

Isis felt tears fall down from her eyes, she didn't know why she was crying, this time it was honestly different, Tom and bill never really payed attention to the girls, but this time they did, and it bothered her, not because she liked either of them, but it still bothered her.

Isis felt her eyes close and she drifted off to sleep in her tear stained shirt.

Tom and bill had spent the past 30 minutes trying to get isis to open her door but nothing had happened, they thought that something bad happened so Tom ran to get James and bill stayed with isis.

"She won't answer her door." Said Tom running up the stairs behind James

"Isis open the door!" Asked James gently, before resorting to violence.

"Isis open this damn door!" He yelled loudly, banging on her door.

Still no answer.

"Isis!" He yelled even louder.

"Jeez.. what." She said opening the door

"Why the hell weren't you answering?"

"I was trying to kill myself."

"Really.." asked Tom

"No! I was asleep.."

"Why was your door locked?" Asked bill

"It was locked so you and the girls wouldn't come in here bothering me."

"About the girls.. me and Tom are sorry."

"Don't care." She said as she sent a messages to all the girls, telling them to not contact her again.

James went back downstairs to his room while the 3 friends sat in her room talking.

"So.. we're you like jealous or something." Asked Tom

"Why would I be."

"Well because you came up here and didn't come back down.. that would indicate that your jealous."

"Well I'm not, and I'll never be jealous of you."

"Yea okay."

"Are you guys going home tonight?"

"Yea. Mom wants us home for some family dinner. We can come back though." Said Tom smiling

"I don't care, if you wanna come here and spend the night that's your decision."

"Alright. We'll see you tomorrow."

Kinda short chapter cuz I'll post the next one soon hopefully

I have school in 1 day.. and idek if this lady gave me the right bud number what the heck

- Chance - Tom Kaulitz -Where stories live. Discover now