Part 18: Taking Care of Loose Ends

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After taking care of Hugo Strange, failing to save both Joker and Talia, and even getting Arkham City shut down for good, Batman went to the building in front of the Museum. He felt guilt over himself and was hurt on the inside, but he knew Talia would've wanted him to get the job done. After awhile he began gliding around Arkham City to find anymore leads on the last remaining thugs roaming around, when all of a sudden he comes up to another body with the same M.O. as last time. After scanning the body, he followed the trail and finds an inmate with containers of bleach and attempting to wash the blood off of his hand. Batman takes this opportunity to interrogate the guy, who was actually spilling the beans.

Inmate: [Pleading] Please! Don't shoot us!

Batman: You killed that man and dumped his body back there. Why did you take his face?

Inmate: It wasn't me! I just dumped the body. He told me to use bleach to clean it up.

Batman: Who told you?

Inmate: Wayne. You know? The rich guy.

Batman: You're lying to me.

Inmate: I'm not. There's an alleyway near the courtroom. That's where he is. He's crazy, man, you don't want to go in there.

After closing the Identity Theft case for the night, needing to find more clues on Thomas Elliot, Batman then goes back to the Amusement Mile to look for any leads on anymore possible cases, until he comes to find Azrael once again.

Azrael: The moment is close. The truth will soon be shown.

Once again he disappears and shows a full glyph to Batman, revealing a location to him.

With another case file flagged for further leads, Batman goes back to tracking for anymore leads on the criminals of Arkham City. While gliding around he gets some very confusing news from Alfred.

Mad Hatter had tried once before to get inside of Batman's head, but it never worked before. We go from Batman to Robin who's feeling even guilty about what had happened to Talia. He was gliding around the Industrial District hoping to find Nora Fries around, when all of a sudden he sees someone from Joker's gang, or Harley's gang now, walking into a building.

Robin: Well, let's see what's going down.

He glides down and finds a place where Harley's men are doing a deal with, Nora Fries.

(Imagine it's Robin.)

After he found Nora, he went back to the old GCPD building where he saw Mr. Freeze sitting near the computer hoping to receive some news.

Robin: I found her, Freeze. She's safe.

Mr. Freeze: Nora, where is she?

Robin: She was locked up in Warehouse 5-B, in the Falcone Shipping Yard. She's safe, Victor. You can go to her.

Mr. Freeze: [Sincere] Thank you, Robin. I doubted you and Batman. I'm sorry.

Robin: It's alright, Victor. It's been a long night.

After taking him there, Robin sees Mr. Freeze next to Nora's container, completely relieved to have her back before Joker or any of his goons hurt her. Once finished with them Robin then goes to a perch just outside of the Museum and takes his mask off. Y/n looked down at the city and punched the roof of the building he was on, letting out a saddened scream and even letting his tears fall from his eyes in depression and regret of failing to save Talia. He had vowed never to let anyone of his friends and family members die or get hurt ever again, and for one night that vow was broken thanks to Joker's sick game. He was living in the real world now, so he understood what life and death meant, but it was hard for him seeing as Bruce and Talia were lovers and he saw the two as his new parents.

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