Chapter Sixteen

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-Kenny's POV-

I walked around my house and cleaned up as best as I could

I hated living in such a dump

Tonight Karen was staying with a friend- my parents were on some kind of a bender and they have yet to come home

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the chips I had bought earlier and brought them into the living room

I went into my room and rolled a few joints, making sure to put aside one for Y/n- this one being a weaker strain then the others

I heard a knock at the door and answered it

"Sup dude" Kyle said as he walked inside, followed by Stan who was holding a few pizzas

"I bought some chips" I said rubbing the back of my neck, it was embarrassing enough that I couldn't even afford anything but store brand- now Stan and Kyle brought real food

"We don't have to tell Y/n that we bought the pizzas" Kyle said

"Yeah don't stress it dude" Stan said hitting my arm

"Alright- well here's the j's" I said putting on the TV

"Give me the remote" Stan said

"Uh okay" I mumbled as Stan pulled the backpack off his shoulder and plugged in a fire stick

"Now we can watch whatever we want" he bragged

God I wish my parents weren't such poor pieces of shit so that I could have cool things

As I was about to sit back down I heard a knock at the door- very gentle- followed by several loud aggressive knocks

I opened the door and Cartman brushed right passed me, quickly claiming a spot on the couch

Y/n looked up at me and offered a soft smile- this was the first time she had actually been inside my house

"Sorry about him" she laughed as she walked inside, sitting beside her brother

I plopped down in front of her on the floor

"Alright" Kyle said "everyone got their waters?"

We all nodded as I pulled two joints out of my pocket

I leaned back and rested my head between Y/n's legs, "Alright I rolled two, one is for Y/n which is a weaker strain, the other one is the good shit"

"Dope" Stan said

"Aight let's light up" Kyle said, handing me his lighter

"Sick clipper" I said checking out his lighter

"Thanks man" he said "just got that thing"

I grabbed the first j and lit it up, taking a few puffs before passing it to Stan

I turned around and pulled Y/n on to the floor beside me, "you sure you want to do this?" I asked

"Yeah" she said, not sounding completely sure "but if something happens you'll help me right?"

"Yes of course" I laughed handing her the joint and the lighter

I knew she would need help but I wanted her to ask for it

"Uh Kenny could you-"

"Put it in your mouth sweetheart" I teased, taking my thumb and guiding her mouth open, placing the joint in the end of her lips

Her cheeks were now a bright pink

"Now when I light it, just gently suck the smoke in" I said

She gently nodded her head as I lit the joint for her, she inhaled as the joint lit

Headed Home (Kenny x Reader) (South Park) - PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now