Chapter one

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// I wrote this a little while ago, and then gave up on it and then started again, but if you like it please comment and I will write more of it. If you hate it comment and I shall not. 

If you have any ideas comment and share them and they might help me right now

Its set in the future, so enjoy

also I have no idea how to add chapters, so its pretty long...sorry//

Also I have no idea where this sory is going but stick with me yeah?


Days: they’re always the same. Just repeating, always. Again and again. Wake up, go to sleep, wake up, go to sleep. Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. But today was different. Today was the day that I learned to appreciate those repetitions, they changed and I changed.

Part 1

          ‘Shut the door!’ I screamed at Jack as he left my room. Of course he didn’t. ‘Fucking brothers.’

          ‘Calm down Emma.’ Sarah said to me from across the room.

          ‘Why should I, it’s our room, he shouldn’t be in here, let alone not do what we say.’ I said, because I really was sick of it. Every day he did it.

          ‘He’s nine.’ Sarah told me, like I didn’t already know how old he was.

          ‘So? He needs to learn things, he will be working in a month and if he acts like he does to us, to his boss then he will lose his job and get sent off even earlier.’

          ‘Let’s not worry about that yet, I’m sure he already is. I know I was.’

          ‘Yeah, I guess I didn’t know that kind of suspension. I guess a lot has changed.’ I admitted.

          ‘’More than a lot. Just started for you didn’t it?’ Sarah asked, even though we had talked about it lots.

          ‘Yeah’ I said as I went and closed the door. Wasn’t much of a walk, across the two meter long room. With one bed, a chair and a dresser squished in. ‘Just sprung on me really, and I was just ten, three days after my tenth birthday when it got enforced.’

          ‘What started it?’ She asked.

          ‘What, world war four or the jobs?’ I asked.

          ‘The jobs, I know about the war!’ She said and reminded me of my anger towards America; if only it had left Britain out of it all, as if they hadn’t learned from the alliance systems of the past. So many wars.

          ‘I’m still not sure really.  I just think there wasn’t enough workers. With every boy over the age of 12 on the front line, every girl over 20 in nurse tents, Staff levels dropped it was only the over 50s working, and there wasn’t many of them, most were volunteering anyway. After a year, the economics couldn’t survive, they had to do something. So they went to my generation. Starting with 12 hours a week, for ten to twelve year olds, then up to 20 for thirteen and fourteen year olds, and then anyone fifteen or over 30 hours a week.’ My job was in fish market, cutting them up to be sold, mom’s was in the hospitals, doing inventory, Sarah’s was at the florists, I gave up my old one for her, she had the best one. Dad and Tom (my eldest and 16 year old brother) were on the front line, dead or alive.

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