Chapter two

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I won’t be me anymore.

Part 2

          The inspection was horrible and awkward. I had to stand naked while my body was getting inspected and then afterwards I had to answer lots of questions, some were easy but some where really difficult, but I don’t think I came off as a complete idiot.

          Lisa left a little after the questions and said that she would come back to me and tell me what I would be stuck here doing. While she was gone I was looking at the horrible smelly place I was stuck in and I was thinking of a way out. There must be a way out.

          But there wasn’t, I didn’t know any time, but I was guessing after about three hours of staring at the same four walls and not finding a secret way out I thought of just trying the door, but I could still hear people walking back and forth outside the door.

          Then I got the shock of my life when the door opened from complete silence. It was Lisa, thank god. ‘Please let me out of here, I’m going mad!’

          ‘I want to really, but I can’t, if I help you out, I will die, and you won’t even get out, then you will die too!’ She said not being at all blunt, which was kind of what I needed then, bluntness.

          ‘So what is my new job going to be then?’ I asked, not at all happy, and trying to show it through my voice.

          ‘You actually have a choice. You’re not thick, you’re pretty smart. So you could become what we call communal chef, or personal chef and maid, or you could become a basic medic, but that’s difficult and disturbing work.’

          ‘Right…’ I said and then thought about it all. I was guessing a communal chef would consist of making lots of food for lots of people and working with lots of people in a crowded room. A personal chef would probably be cooking for one person and I guess that sounds a bit easier, but it sounds like I would also have to be a maid and tidy a lot, which I’m not great at. Then there was being a medic, yeah I was good at that sort of thing, but it sounded horrible, here. ‘I guess I will go with the personal chef and maid’ I told her, not sure if I had made the right choice.

          ‘Right, that’s a pretty good choice’ Lisa said and then continued with ‘you will get a days training tomorrow. You will get three meals a day, but they will be what are left over from when you cook. You will cook for two men, and clean for the same two men. You will get more information tomorrow, and oh Emma, I’m so sorry’ then she left.

          And I was alone again, with my fait chosen for me. I was never going to see my family again, they would think I was dead, they could fall apart, and then what use would I be.

          I was useless, hopeless and now, dead inside.

          I was trapped. I didn’t know what to do.

          Later that day I got moved into a dorm, there were lots of others, they all looked around the same age as me- 14/15 - and we all seemed to have brown hair. No one seemed to want to talk, so we didn’t. I just slept, I got given some horrible grey plain clothes and that was all. I didn’t even get food that day. I had to sleep on a wafer thin mattress, on the floor, it was worse than at home, and everything stunk. What a way to spend your 15th Birthday!

          When I woke up it was because of a huge banging of metal, and when I shot up to look who or what it was, there was just a man standing there banging one of the door frames. He looked ugly, he had no expression and he was as pale as a ghost, although he was ugly and looked awfully unfriendly, I felt sorry for him, because he was here.

          He ordered us to get up, directed us to freezing cold showers and then watched us shower, after that he directed us to the dining hall. We all got a slice of bread. Then he directed us into our groups.

          My group was the training group for the Personal chef and maids. I felt emotionless by the time I was with my group. Everyone looked almost exactly the same, and we were all new. I guessed that they had just had a kidnapping day, and took any girl who was 13-16 with mid-length brown hair. It was creepy.

          I got told all about what I must and must not do. I must do as I am told. I mustn’t be late for anything. I must cook all meals for a certain time. I mustn’t steal. I must make sure each meal has enough calories in. I mustn’t be rude. I got told so much my head was full and I felt sick.

          We were made to cook lunch, to show them what we could do. We were given some ingredients and I made the first thing that popped into my head; lasagne. They weren’t unimpressed by my cooking skills, they even cracked a little smile, but it faded as fast as it has came. Then I was shown how I must wear my hair at all times; in a tight bun. I was then given horrible clothes, traditional maids outfit and made to clean a strangers room. The things I found were discusting. 

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