Old Enemies

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"Hmm..." Muffet hummed as she strolled through the mall. It was Christmas break, and it was December 22nd. Muffet was looking for some more presents to buy for her family. "Darla would like these dollies." Muffet said while looking at some dolls, but then had a Tattertown flashback, and said "N-nevermind." She continued to walk through the toy shop, and then suddenly bumped into a tall girl with short black hair, a purple shirt, and a brown skirt.

"Oops! Sorry!" The girl said, until she realized who it was. "Muffet!" She gasped.

"Debbie?!" Muffet gasped. She was much older now. "Looks like someone finally remembered you." Muffet laughed at Debbie.

"Oh ha ha." Debbie said sarcastically. "Once the teacher finally saw I was missing, all of the girls cared and remembered me which brought me back. What happened to you? You left before me!" Debbie said.

Before Muffet could answer, Shirley walked up to her. "Muffet, let's go. It's almost dinnertime!" Shirley said before she saw Debbie. "Who's this? An old friend?" Shirley asked.

Muffet and Debbie laughed before saying, "No." in unison.

"Muffet, is this your mom? Were you adopted?" Debbie asked. Then Mary and Darla ran up to them. "You have sisters, too?!" Debbie gasped.

"Muffet, Mom, you have explaining to do. Who is this?!" Darla asked.

"Well, Muffet used to be my doll at the orphanage. We got sucked into a world called Tattertown where forgotten things go." Debbie said the first part.

"I was locked away in a box that was sent to an antique shop. One day Shirley found me. Then Shirley loved me and I came to life." Muffet finished.

"Actually...when I was a little girl, Muffet was my doll. Then when I grew up, I gave her away. I guess she ended up at your orphanage, Debbie. Then one day, about 6 years ago, I saw her at the antique shop and I bought her. I realized I missed and loved her so much, that she came to life from my love. She became a human in the body of a 7 year old girl and I officially adopted her as Muffet Temple."

Everyone was shocked. "Oh yeah! I remember!" Muffet gasped.

"M-me too! I remember being so happy that I finally had a sister around my age." Darla added and Mary nodded.

"Muffet, why do you hate me?" Debbie asked.

"You always dressed me up, forced me to play with you, and even in Tattertown you wanted to keep me all to yourself! It was very selfish of you! You're a jerk!" Muffet replied.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have tried to kill me!" Debbie scoffed.

"I'm truly evil! I don't need you. You can't hold me captive." Muffet argued and ran off.

"Muffet!" Shirley yelled, but Muffet didn't listen.

"She's ran off like this before..." Mary muttered.

"This is my fault. It's my job to fix it." Debbie said and ran off the direction Muffet went.

"Are we following them?" Darla asked.

"Yes! We're not letting them get lost in the mall." Shirley replied. They went the direction the others went.

"Muffet! Come back!" Debbie yelled. People were looking at her like she was crazy. Some people offered to help, but Debbie refused. Debbie froze and didn't know where to go. Soon Shirley, Mary, and Darla caught up with her.

"I wish Lola was here." Darla said. Then Mary turned to her and gasped.

"Darla, that's it! You can talk to animals perfectly...you'll call Lola, and she'll follow Muffet's scent!" Mary said.

"That actually might work, Mary." Shirley said.

"Well...how do I call animals?" Darla wondered.

"Try calling her name as loud as you can." Mary answered.

Darla took a deep breath and shouted very loudly, as loudly as she could..."LOOOLAAA!" She yelled. Everyone in the mall looked at her, but she didn't care.

Back at the Temple mansion, Lola howled as she looked out the window.

"Will you SHUT UP?!" Lily groaned.

"I can't! Muffet's in trouble. I have to follow!" Lola barked.

"Oh no...you're not leaving this house, Lola." Stevie said, but Lola refused. She ran out the doggy door and followed Darla's voice. The kittens stayed behind. The mall was not that far away, only a few miles. Lola could do it. She ran as fast as she could. Soon she snuck inside the mall and found her family.

"Where's Muffet?!" Lola panted. Darla could understand.

"We don't know. We need your help." Darla replied.

"Lola, come with me. We'll find her." Debbie said, also understanding what Lola was saying.

"How can you understand?" Darla asked, a little jealous.

"I learned how to in Tattertown." Debbie answered. Darla rolled her eyes. Then Lola ran off, following Muffet's scent. Debbie and the others ran after her. Lola ran quite the distance, she didn't seem to stop any time soon. She followed her scent into the basement of the mall.

"Muffet?! In here?!" Shirley gasped.

"This is creepy." Darla said and clung to her mother.

"Muffet? Where are you?" Debbie and Lola called. They saw Muffet in a corner of a storage room.

"Muffet!" The girls shouted and hugged her. Muffet pushed Debbie away from her.

"Why are you still here?" She demanded.

"Muffet, please forgive her. She helped us find you. She cares about you." Shirley pleaded. Mary and Darla nodded in agreement.

"I helped too!" Lola grinned, though only Darla and Debbie understood.

"Fine. I guess I would've been stuck here if you hadn't found me. I honestly don't know where I am." Muffet grumbled.

Soon it was Christmas day. The kids absolutely loved their presents. Muffet got a bunch of fake weapons and dangerous toys, but Debbie was going to give her a present too. Debbie walked to their mansion and rung the doorbell. Shirley answered it. "Hello Debbie! Are you here for Muffet?" Shirley asked. Debbie nodded and came in with a small box.

"Muffet, I have something for you." Debbie called.

"For me?" Muffet ran to the door from the living room. Debbie gave her the box. Muffet opened it to see a necklace.

"It's those half heart things. I get one half, you get the other, so people know we're friends. I hope you like it, Muffet. Merry Christmas." Debbie said and left.

"Friends?" Muffet wondered and put the necklace on. She slightly smiled and thought of Debbie now being her friend. She knew deep inside, Debbie was sorry and she had changed. Muffet decided that she finally forgave her.

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