Chapter 21

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Levi POV

Away. Just away.

He had to get away from everything. From Eren. From the lies. From the secrets. From this feeling of betrayal that he had not been able to shake ever since that night in Eldia's throne room.

Storming out of the room was less mature than he probably should be, considering that he had left behind the current rulers of two mighty kingdoms. Even if one of those rulers was a secretive ass.

Damn it!

He had barked at the next servant crossing his way to show them the chambers Historia surely had to have prepared for the arrival of Eldia's prince. No way would she have let it get known that her hospitality was poor where Eldia's royalty was concerned – especially not as long as the rumours of the bad relationship between the queen and Eren were still making rounds in both kingdoms.

The servant had flinched violently when Levi had thrown the door in his face, storming over to the giant king-sized bed positioned close to the right wall with giant curtains in forest-green hiding the headboard from sight when one first entered the great chambers.

They walls were clad in dark wood and two great carpets decorated the black marble of the floor. Levi walked further into the room, one fist pressed against his mouth and his posture rigid.

A look to the side showed a giant mirror.

Levi scanned himself from head to toe.

He quickly got rid of the wet and dark coat he had been wearing for the whole ride and folded it on the next best chair before once again meeting his eye in the mirror.

He knew those grey eyes. Boring. Lifeless. Showing nothing of the emotions Eren was always convinced resided in his heart. He promptly had to think of the nights when they had been sitting over giant maps or had to dig through dozens of scrolls on their search for a cure only to look up at each other, not realising how much time would pass between them before they could tear their eyes away from each other.

Levi did not know what Eren saw in him.

He had called him beautiful on many occasions now.

Now that he was standing in front of this giant, stupid mirror, framed in silver ornaments, he studied his jet-black hair and the recently renewed undercut. His eyes raked over his strong legs and how the dark shirt he was wearing hugged his slim figure. The boots he was wearing reached up to his shins and gave him at least two centimetres more height.

Up his eyes went and he took in his sharp cheekbones, his sunken-in eyes and his thin lips.

No. He could not fathom what the prince saw in him.

Not that he particularly wanted to care about the brunette's attention or thoughts or opinions right now. Every time he was so certain that the prince was finally opening up to him, trusting him, something new came along to prove the opposite to Levi.

And a part of Levi had never stopped wondering about everything that had happened before his revelation in the throne room. So many things were still unsolved, so many questions unasked.

They had never had the time to talk about anything because every time they tried to sit down or do something just for the two of them, something always came along.

Some issue that called for a quick solution.

Some people with some problem.

Always something to keep them from getting everything out of the way that was keeping them from loving each other in the way they deserved. Both of them. So why the hell was Eren still throwing stones in their path when the whole world was already fighting against them?

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