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I woke up very early for my first day at the university. Yesterday I had so much fun with Ana that I forgot about my problems in England. I completely forgot that my dad is still on his way to Portugal to bring Summer here, I can't wait to finally start training her in a different stable. I mean everything is going to be the same as it was in Bristol, but im just thinking about a brand new arena, new stable friends, and mostly new trainers.

I started packing back my stuff into my suitcases, today im leaving to hotel and im going to have my own dorm room, well not exactly own, im sharing it with a girl that I still haven't met. Abilio and Ana were in the same hotel as me so we planned that we have to see eachother at the lobby at 7:30AM.

I love sleeping in, but now that summer's over I have to wake up at 6AM, breakfast at the university is at 7:00AM and lessons start at 8:00AM.

I went to the bathroom to put on some mascara on my eyelashes, then I also put some lip balm on my very dry lips. When I was putting on my lip balm my phone buzzed. My heart stopped for a moment, I took my phone in my hand and it was a message from my mom.

-"Bad news, I knew that Lando wouldn't text you back, but we both didn't know why, so here's the answer to our question. What happened with Lando is that he moved to another country, luckily still in Europe. I called his mom and asked what's happened with Lando, she said that he lost his phone on the way to Germany and his mom won't buy him a phone for a while." The message from my mother made my heart sink, I mean, why didn't Landos mom not want to buy Lando a new phone? I mean they are rich.

-"WHAT? Germany? Why didn't he stay in Bristol? I mean we were supposed to see eachother again on Christmas, and now I find out that he's in a totally different country?!" From the message my mom could understand that I was angry on the outside, but deep down on the inside I was in pain.

My mom answered that she's going to call Landos mom later, I totally agreed to that and said that I will be waiting for another text message.

I put back the mascara in my makeup bag and went to put it in my suitcase. I closed all three suitcases and made my way to the lobby. It was a beautiful sunny day here in Carcavelos that I just wanted to change in my swimming suit and jump in the sea, but sadly I couldn't.

-"Hm, Abilio and Ana still aren't here, I hope they didn't leave without me." I said to myself. Only 10 minutes later they finally arrived.

-"So sorry Nat, we overslept, I mean that me and Ana in separate rooms." He got nervous as he said the word "we". I chuckled at them and then made my way to the exit door.

I was so happy to finally be out of this hotel, I couldn't wait to meet the girl who is going to be in the same dorm room as me in the university, you wont believe how actually excited I am. I was never so excited since my parents bought me Summertime sadness, but sharing a dorm room, with a complete stranger was exciting for me. I was an only child, and was just jealous of how everyone had a sister or a brother, and how they had just one room for themselves. I mean younger me would die to have a sibling. But now? I don't really care about having siblings, my parents are still not that old, they are just 37 and 40 years old, it's still not too late to have children.

Finally after a long walk in the hot sun we made it to the University, it was so big, and just perfect for me.

-"Wow, I can't believe it, im standing right in front of my dream university!" I yelled out with joy. Abilio and Ana were laughing at me, but after a silence they didn't wait for me, they just went inside, without me.

-"Excuse me? I need some help with my suitcases? Why are you just leaving me here, I dont have 3 hands." I eventually said something as soon when I saw them opening the door for the university. They looked back, and Abilio immediately ran towards me and took one of my suitcases. Such a gentleman, I had to remind him of me not having 3 hands.

We went inside and Abilio gave me my suitcase. I thanked him for everything and mentioned that we will see each other at breakfast again. I went to the check-in room where I had to get my dorm room and my key.

-"Good morning! Im Natalia Lewandowska and I need a key for the dorm room." I introduced myself to a woman that was at least in her '50.

-"Morning, let me check my book.. ahh there it is, Natalia Lewandowska and Charlotte Hamilton, your dorm number is 320, and wait a second let me find your key.." she paused to find the key "Oh! Here it is! Charlotte already checked in before you, so she should be in the dorm, be nice to each other." She winked at me. I thanked her for the key and went to grab the elevator. The dorm was on the 3rd floor. I pressed the button that showed "3 andar" which meant 3rd floor.

I was so excited to meet this Charlotte girl. Hamilton sounds like a British last name, I wonder if she's new too.

I finally reached my dorm and turned the key, and there the girl was. Charlotte had a high brunette ponytail, a very adorable prada dress and obviously nike shoes, I mean, she's definitely rich. I pushed my 3 suitcases into the room when her eyes were immediately on me. She scanned my up and down and immediately helped me with the 100 things I had in my hand.

-"Hi! Nice to meet you! Im Charlotte!" She smiled. Ohhh I missed this British accent, so happy that I can finally hear it again.

-"Hello! Im Natalia, pleasure to meet you." I smiled back at her. She gave me a hug and went back to do her own things, like unpacking and stuff.

-"Maybe while we unpack we could talk about eachother, I mean like our hobbies you know?" She asked as soon as she saw me opening my suitcase. Introducing myself was so easy, so I started first.

-"Well, my name's Natalia Lewandowska, im from Poland and I absolutely love horse riding. When I was 11 years old I moved to Bristol, and basically my whole life was just going to this boring school and go horse riding." I quickly introduced myself to Charlotte. She later did the same thing. We had many things in common, like we had the same favourite color, and like our hobbies were almost the same, except that her sport was football (soccer).

When we both finished unpacking we decided that we had to go eat something. As I said, breakfast in the university starts at 7:00AM and goes until 7:30AM. It was currently 7:03AM so me and Char ran to catch the elevator to go to the lobby.

I introduced Charlotte to my other friends and we instantly became a friend group, everyone here was so nice, they helped me and Charlotte study Portuguese, I mean we lived in Portugal, so we need to learn the language.

And the same thing has been going on for years, learning at the university, going back to Bristol for a few and then flying back here, going Horse Riding and obviously going out with my friend group. Since the day my mom texted me on why Lando is not texting me, I didn't mention him never in a conversation, its like, I forgot about him. And that was our worst fear, forgetting about each other.

Finally not being able to hear the dutch anthem LOL. And thank you thank you so much for 100+ reads, you guys are amazing❤️ If something makes 0 sense on how quickly Lando transferred to Germany, is that Landos dad lived in Germany so there was no trouble on moving back there. Love you all and stay tooned for a new chapter!
(spoiler: it's a huge timeskip😭)

Forever distant, never together | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now