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Erika POV:

"Mike... I've already told you." I said calmly as my brother followed me around the house. "I'm not going."

Mike scoffs behind me when he heard what I said. "So what... you're just going to stay locked inside the house your whole life?".

I ended my walking by sitting on the couch. "It's not that. I just don't want to go to a party where there will be disgusting, snobby guys all around me." I shivered at the thought of that.

Mike looked at me for a second before beginning to talk. "Oh come on.." he paused, leaning back on the couch. "Nothing is going to happen to you, I can assure you. Besides, Amir will be there."

"Amir?" I looked at him in confusion. He was acting as if I know every little one of his friends. "Who is Amir?"

"You don't know Amir?" He asked.

"No, I'm pretty sure I don't." I confirmed.

"My best friend." Mike leans over to the plate of Mom's home-made cookies which laid on the coffee table in front of us, grabbing a cookie. "Amir is my best friend."

"Ok.." I let out, leaning to grab a cookie of my own. "And what does your best friend have to do with me being there?"

My brother wasn't the best mannared person out there, and his friends were the same. That's probably my main reason I don't want anything with this party, or with his friends in general.

All I know is that I won't feel safe if I were to go, and Mike telling me that Amir is going to be there offers me no confort at all. He may be my brother's best friend, but that doesn't change the fact that they all act the same.

"All I'm saying is that if something happens and I won't be there, Amir will." Mike mumbles with his mouth filled with cookie, already leaning for a second one.

My face scrunches almost in disgust as I watch my brother fill his mouth once again. "Jesus, slow down. They're not gonna go anywhere."

"Are you fucking coming or not?" He scoffs out, gesticulating with his hands.

I roll my eyes and grab the TV romote, turning on the TV to find a good channel to watch. "Mike, I said no. Your friends look dangerous and I don't want anything to do with them. It's already shitty enough dealing with you and your reputation."

The living room goes silent as Mike looks around, thinking of other ways to convince me to go with him.

"You might as well go. I'm not hanging out with your little cult."

He squints his eyes at me like I offended him with my words. He should be offended.

"I'll get you cupcakes if you come."

My head snaps to my brother with wide eyes.

"Red velvet?"

Mike nods.

I go silent as I contemplate his offer. "Fine. But I'm staying for one hour and one hour only."

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