The simple things you do

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All the simple things you do, I enjoy all of those. The way you sit, the way you laugh, the smile of yours, I enjoy them. I enjoy every little moments spent with you. I Love all the movements of yours.

I enjoy how you make your face when you do a mistake. I enjoy how you make faces to me, which I know, is actually your way to be naughty with me. The way you say Sorry, I like that. The way you talk with me, by changing your voice from a young girl to a real kiddish voice, I like them. I Love all your efforts, even if it is silly, that you put to seee me happy, and to make me happy. The efforts you show, to cheer me up, I fell in Love with them.

I like the way you try to make me laugh. I like the way you make me smile. I Love the way, you Love me. I Love the way you show your caring towards me. The way you always stay beside me, I appreciate it.

The way you Love my family, I love it. I fell in love, when you were so concerned about my mother. I loved the way you Loved my family. I Loved the way you just mixed yourself in our family.

I Love you, and I love all your normal,silly things, you do for me and my family. THANK YOU. Continue this attitude of yours towards me,and towards my family, by knowing one thing,


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