Chapter 2

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While we were on our way to this "school", the white-haired and black-haired guards were just talking and laughing while we reached the sign that said 'welcome to enopia'. We stopped here.

"Well." The black-haired guard said. "This is it. You are left here"

Me and  my brother stared at the two guards blankly for a few minutes.

"You're not serious, right?" My brother said, confused.

"Oh no. We're serious. We can't step another foot across here." The black-haired guard said.

"Then how are we supposed to get to this school, if you're not gonna show us where it is?" I said.

"No one knows where the school is...but them." The white-haired guard said, pointing up.

Me and my brother both looked up to see two big white birds coming towards us. The guards snickered.

"These are your transports," the white-haired guard said.

"If we die, then it better be bloodless," Walter said. I looked at him confused.

"We're not dying... I hope," I said reassuringly.

The birds suddenly landed in front of us. One of them stared at my brother, and the other one stared at me. I thought I would have been scared of it, but it was like I understood it somehow. It looked stressed, exhausted even. It didn't look like it wanted to do this, but it looked like it was forced to.

The white-haired guard looked impatient, "what are you waiting for!! Get them out of here!!" He said.

"Wait what-" my brother said before we were both going up and up, carried by the birds.

I started screaming. I never been this high before, nor have I ever been carried by a bird to a school that I didn't even know existed.

"LUNA!!" My brother said, "LOOK!!"

I opened my eyes and I couldn't believe what I saw. The school looked as big as a castle, if not bigger. It had, from what I counted, 10 flags, with 10 different colors and symbols on each side. The color shades were beautiful. I never really thought about the structures of the schools I went to, but this is a never-miss type of school.

I soon realized that the birds were landing near a flower bed towards a bunch of students. Thankfully, when they landed, they landed slowly.

I saw Walter quickly get off the bird and kissed the ground. Me on the other hand, turned to the bird when I got off, and thanked it. It looked at me as if to say your welcome and flew away, that's when a bunch of students came towards us, some were whispering.

"Um, hi, you guys must be new here? I'm Milly, third year and head of the cloning coven, and this is my sister Norah, also third year and co-head of the cloning coven, we're twins!!" A girl said.

My brother laughed, "now that explains all the rambling."

I hit him in the stomach, " don't mind my brother, I'm Luna, and he's Walter. And what may I ask is a 'coven' " I said, and everyone looked at me, shocked.

Norah began to speak, "well-" but someone interrupted her.

"I'm glad you asked," a woman, who looks like the headmistress said. And she looked stunning. She had a golden dress with blonde hair and light blue eyes. She had on red lipstick a glittery eyeshadow. Her aura was the most stunning and matched her completely.

"I'm Lady Lora, the headmistress. Welcome to Crystal High, " she said.

"I wonder if she's a hybrid or a goddess?" Walter whispered. I never thought I'd see someone like this, and now I was thinking the same thing.

"I'm a spirit actually," she said and my mouth flew open.

"A-a spirit? B-but that's impossible ''I stammered. She just laughed.

"Anything is possible at Crystal High, and if you come with me, I'll tell you everything.

We followed her into the school and once we were in there, my eyes went wide.

The ceiling was decorated with beautiful chandeliers, the stairs were shiny and looked brand new. The doors were diamond-ized and the banners didn't have any scratches. This is amazing!!
"Now," lady lora said as she turned to us. "You two wanted to know what Crystal High is, right?"

We both nodded our heads.

"And we want to know why we were chosen to go here," walter said

"Well follow me, I'll tell you everything."

Luna and the lost soul: First book of my Crystal High seriesWhere stories live. Discover now