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When we had first met all we did was gave each other looks we talked but like we only talked by looking at each other and some times we knew what was wrong with each other like when I was tired,sleepy,angry,sad,mad,happy,excited or even in thoughts we sometimes we would just look at each other and just know or even feel each other emotions but at the end we ended up getting to know each other. One day I went to a event and u was there to u was with a girl which had went to the same school as me but i was being somewhat playfull and u was smiling and saying how u didnt know me but u did a little,which we well I ended up moving and went to this school which I met one of the church girls who was ur sister and I had asked her where do I go but she was a seventh grader so she barely knew but I had got some help and I also ended up with a crush which wasn't you but was another girl who I had a crush on and he had a crush on me we had went out only for almost a half a month ALMOST but it ended and thats when I had found out I was in the same class well u was in the same class as me and u was all smirking and smiley at me we're it happened more often but then days had passed and I ended up going to this particular church and ended up making new friends but shockingly I had saw u and u saw me and it was awkward because we really didn't talk at school because u was fake sometimes but any whoooo yep we saw each other at church every Sunday and when I had got more into it when they had activities in my aged group i was seeing you more then usual and I was totally want looking forward that because it kept getting more awkward then usual but i had got used to it and just had went on with my life. One day a check event was being held where we was going to six flag and in the van i was laying on u and u was laying on me when u had lay on me i was having butterflies in my stomach i was shy because i didn't know u had felt the same way about me but when u had told me i was excited but was also awkward because at first i wasnt excited because it was normal but u showing me a pic of ur so called ex girlfriend it didnt make me jealous because i had know reason to be but u didnt give me a good answer of why u showed me the pick of u and the girl I can care less about what u do u say I'm trying to make u jealous because if i wanted to make u jealous i would of tried harder then what u had thought like i said i can care less about who u go out with and I can care less about who u like or dont like ur life isnt my business I mean i have trust issues in boys and yeah I won't believe u if u say u love or like me because I wont believe u unless u tell me to my face instead of in a message but yeah from time to time I like u but from time to time i also hate u because of the things u do I cant explain it but half of me likes u and half of me hate u just keep that in mind that I will always be in my bitchy mode from time to time or sometimes ill be in my kind hearted mode u never know until u see it and thats just some of how i feel towards yeah ok we play fight from time to time thats because im a tomboy and thats what i do like one minute u cant just want my attention and then the next minute u don't u all with ur two friends that sometimes comes to church and u all just look at me and act like u don't know me but realize that I can do exactly what u do towards me even if u are or where playing still u don't just ask for my attention and expect that I'll give u attention like for real quit acting like u give adamn about my life and how I feel quit acting like u give a damn about what I talk about or who I mess with or who I play fight with because guess what if I don't act like that around or towards u then quit doing towards me because when u around ur friends and what not I act like ur not even there becaussometimes u erks my soul and pisses me off where i just want to slap u sometimes like i cant keep playing with u every single time its just us like either i am or not ur girl friend because if im not then stop messing with me al the time because i aint gonna keep playing games with u just because we be play fighting with each other that doesn't mean IMA give u my attention whenever u feel like u want my attention because guess what that's not gonna happen and yeah i still do have thrust issues but if u gonna be a player then i aint gonna be apart of it because im sick and tired of ur games all i have to say is good bye and go mess with another girl because this girl isnt gonna be apart of it at the end of the day and thats the end of my story.


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