Break up: Felix/ Stray Kids

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( They're so adorable!)

( My bestie helped me with this idea, so I hope you like it, Kijiji47 ❤️)

Felix's Pov

I'm on my way to my boyfriends house Sho-Joo he told me to come over and that it was important, so now I'm a little scared and confused,

But it's probably nothing. Once I get there, I get out of my car and walk inside since he said that the door would be unlocked. After I get inside, I see him sitting on the couch he turns around when he hears the door shut

" Hi Felix," He says, and I get confused even more he doesn't usually call me Felix, so that's a little weird

" Hi Sho-Joo," I say, and he looks at me with a weird face as he gets up and comes over to me

" There's no point in staying." He says, and I get even more anxious about what is happening

" What do you mean?" I ask

" I'm breaking up with you." He says

" Wait, what why? What did I do wrong? " I ask as tears start to form in my eyes

" You're not good enough. You cause more problems than you should, and I've been cheating on you for three months, and she doesn't cause problems, so I'm breaking up with you because she's better. " He says as he starts to walk away

" I'm sorry," I say as I start to walk to the door

" Just leave. Why are you still here?!" He yells and punches me in the face a few times. I ran outside to my car. Once I leave, I start crying, but when I get home, I can't seem to stop. I get out as I'm crying and walk in the house

The others are on the couch talking and messing around. I take my shoes off and shut the door

" Felix? Where were you?" I.N. asks

" I was at Sho-Joo's house." I say while looking down

" Are you ok? Lixie, what happened?" Han asks as I start to walk towards the stairs

" I'm fine. Nothing happened. " I say as I start to walk past them, but Seungmin grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto the couch

" Why aren't you looking up what happened?" He asks, and I start to cry again

" I'm sorry. I didn't know it was going to happen." I say, as I look up, and they all gasp and instantly come over to me

" Who the hell did this?!" Hyunjin asks angrily as he walks over to me, and I leap into his arms and cry he catches me and rubs the back of my head gently

" Who did it, baby?" He asks, but this time softly

" Sho-Joo did he told me to come over because it was important, but when I went inside, he told me not to stay and when I asked why he said that I cause more problems than I should and that he's been cheating on me for three months with a girl because she's better then me and when I was going to leave I said sorry and he got mad that I was still there and punched me a few times then I left" I say and by the time I'm finished they all look really mad

" I'm so sorry that happened to you, honey." Hyunjin says as he kisses my forehead he puts me down, and I hug him

" Do I really cause that many problems? Am I really that annoying?" I ask, and they all say no at the same time

" Don't ever think that, lixie. I promise you are the most amazing person to be around. " Chan says, and I nod

I look up and see Lee Know and I.N. get up and go put their shoes on, and the others follow

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