chapter thirty-one

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You grabbed the firm from blitzø's hands, reading over the conditions as you got a pen ready to sign it. "Huh, this doesn't seem bad." You said with a shrug, signing the form and handing it back to blitzø who was grinning broadly. "Great!"

He hopped off the bed, dusting himself off, "would you like to see the place? It's in the pride ring."

You hummed, you've only ever been to the pride ring once or twice. That was for Charlie's birthday, the only place you ever really saw on your way to Charlie's birthday was a porn studio so, maybe exploring wasn't so bad. You nod, "yeah!" You pushed off your bed and followed blitzø out of the window where he had a van parked outside the house, it was beaten up, spray painted on and was covered in dirt and blood.

He opened the front door to the van getting into the driver's seat and turning the key he started the engine as you got in next to him.

The drive to the elevator that connected all the rings together was long but enjoyable. Once parked outside the elevator you and blitzø get out of the old beaten van and walk towards the building that housed the elevator, imps, hellhounds, candle goat demons, succubuses all were walking in and out of the building going to they're destinations.

The spacious room was bustling with Random demons.

"Wow," you breath out, "I've never been here before," you say as you run hands across a golden bench. "Really? I mean. I kinda assumed you knew since your, y'know the daughter of a psychopathic Mafia boss who collects what seems to be shark jaws." Blitzø says, walking towards the large elevator, pressing the button to bring it down. You walk up behind him, admiring the decorations of the spacious room.

"He never lets me out of the city, so the area we're in now is all new to me. And the only times I was sent to the pride ring was to hang out with Charlie, and that was usually by helicopter." You say, stepping into the golden elevator with blitzø, there are more demons in the elevator all from different rings. You stand next to blitzø as he presses the pride ring's button.

The elevator slowly goes up, stopping at each ring to drop off various other demons. You get a glimpse of each one, each of them unique and different than the last.

You finally make it to the pride ring, the sky a deep red and the moon hung in the sky, surrounded by white fluffy clouds and a golden halo. You step out of the elevator with blitzø, standing outside of the elevator as it shuts going back down. "So. Where do I work at?" You question with a raised brow.

Blitzø grabs your hand gently and runs off to a building with imp horns, it wasn't that far from the new hotel being built. The sign up above the new hotel flashed and in red font read: happy hotel.

"Here!" He said throwing arms up gesturing to the building that had imp horns. "We have a full room to ourselves. The conference room, break/lunch room, and reception room. And all at the price of two hundred dollars." Blitzø said as he walked into the building, the carpet was red but stained and the walls were dirty. You've seen some dirty places but never to the extent of this.

You both walk towards the elevator, blitzø pushes the elevator button, unbothered by the dirt and grime.

The elevator opens and you both step in, once in your nose scrunches up at the horrible smell, it smelled like rotten fish and mold. "... Does it always smell this bad?" You question as the elevator goes to the top floor.

"It could be worse." Blitzø says with a shrug, stepping out once the doors open. The hallway walls were equally dirty

You smiled, it was strained but you didn't want to be rude, "oh... So this must be one of the good days then?" You questioned, blitzø nodded his tail flicking behind himself as he unlocked a door, inside was actually not that bad, a few stains here and there on the carpet but other than that it was fine.

"It looks..." There was a couch in the far corner, a dark black with a coffee table in front of it. And to the far side of it was a water dispenser with cups to go with it. On the other side of the wall was a receptionist desk with a bone phone and a stack of magazines to go with it.

"Nice..." You say, walking into another room with a door and a stain glass in it. Opening it up you found what seemed to be the lunch room. The fridge was a yellow gray color and there was a bulletin board on the opposite side of the wall with papers and a calendar.

He smiled, clasping his hands together. "I'm glad you like it! You even share an office with me! Come check it out!" He said excitedly like a child with they're favorite toy.

Word count 905
I know I said longer chapters, but I got sick and the app did a dick move and deleted half of the entire story. The votes out weighed the other votes so here it is.

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