healing and fighting.

221 2 0

Medkit and Katana sat down on a bench just after losing a close phight to cool down, Medkit dusts off his clothing while Katana checked up on his blade.

The two sat there for.. who knows how many minutes already, but the silence was getting to the medic, he started to reload their revolver; looking over to the samurai who was wiping the blood off of his blade.

"Uh..Sorry for what happened back there." He impulsively stated.

Katana just pauses and nods, he went back to continue cleaning his sword.

Medkit looks back at themself, he starts adjusting his gloves and checked if they had any supplies missing.. but truly, it was all just so he could have a distraction from the agonizing silence.

"..I really am, if I had just stuck close to you all, then we would've won." they add.

"..I know you mean it, but you have nothing to apologize for, my friend."
Katana responds.

the medic just nods ever so slightly; the two look at eachother for a while before Medkit just put his first aid kit aside, they hunched their back up and put their hand on the armrests of the bench.

"..You seem stressed."
"Oh, you think?"

Katana put his hand up to his chin. "Perhaps.. you can tell me what's been stressing you out, only if you trust me enough. I won't force you."

Medkit sighed, "Just.. annoyed, I keep overestimating myself and thinking I could go without any help, and then I lose because of it."

Katana quietly nodded.

"I'm.. almost just like him, and I hate it." the medic adds.

"Like.. who?" Katana inquired.


Medkit rubbed his temples, the next round finally starts. the two sat up from the bench to go to the next game.

They were on different teams this time around, the timer ticked as the phighters got ready..

"They seriously just had to pick another conquer map..?" Medkit murmured to himself.

"3.. 2.. 1.."
"GET 'EM!" Valk announced; some phighters spread out to the other areas, but Medkit stuck to the closer-ranged phighters.

"Med! we're finally on the same team! how cool is that?" Sword giggled.
"You better be careful." they reply.

They got onto the capture point, the sounds of laserbeams; metal clashing together; the whirring of a biograft and explosions echo throughout the area.

Medkit tried their best to heal whoever they found was low, everything looked to be going good for them for now.. a 21-45 and counting, but he feels rope tying around him, pulling them over to a familiar masked man.

Katana swung his blade at Medkit, the medic manages to escape and fired a few shots at Katana with his revolver, he teleports over to their team's biograft; restoring it's health.

it was a 35-50 now due to the absence of a medic; but Medkit's team was still winning.

as he healed up Boombox, they felt themselves being lifted up, they turn to look at the rooves of the map's buildings and sure enough..

"..You again." Medkit grit his teeth.
"Hello, dear brother! indeed it is!!"

Medkit hurriedly looked around and teleports away, tossing a crystal to heal up some of his teammates.

They saw a figure in the distance, floating mid-air.. oh no, Rocket.

Some of the phighters scattered; getting off the point to avoid Rocket's barrage, but a few managed to get into the crossfire. their bodies ragdolling onto the ground, right after Rocket's phinisher ended, he saw Katana go to the center; using his own phinisher and swinging his blade, getting the other half of Medkit's remaining teammates low.

he grit his teeth as they hid behind a building. he felt a teal glow illuminate from the crystal between his antlers, he uses his phinisher and as they revived and healed their teammates, a faint, glowing blue shield temporarily surrounds them.

"Sword.." Medkit groaned.
the younger man chuckled. "I know, I won't be that reckless again! promise!"
"Sure you won't."

Medkit rapidly fired at him with his revolver, healing him up.

They look back at the other phighters and threw another crystal in an attempt to get the others' health back to good condition.

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