Chapter 9: Sneak Peak

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Warning: From here on wards this book will touch dark themes. I am not sure how much dark themes will be explore, but there is definitely darker sub-plots. 

This was in my draft, and it's a very short chapter, but I thought I would post it since it's been so long I updated this book. Enjoy this while I write the next chapter.😊 

[I didn't edit this chapter] 

[Alaric's apartment]

Klaus went back to Alaric's apartment after he had managed to control his emotions. There is no doubt that he misses her and is in a lot of pain but he can't show weakness especially now.

And if he doesn't go back to the apartment now, no doubt Eljiah is going to come after him like his suit is on fire. Plus, he made a promise and he intends to keep that. He was standing outside the apartment and he heard another person in the room.

He entered the apartment and Katherine pointed her finger at Stefan, and said, "Klaus, you're back. Look who decided to come for a visit"

He looks at Stefan and who is looking very tense from his posture and his heartbeat is fast. He is afraid. Good. Stefan should fear him, it would make a lot of things easier.

Klaus looked at Stefan and siad, "You just keep popping up, don't you?" referring to his involvement in yesterday's ritual.

Stefan said with desperation in his tone, "I need your help... For my brother"

"Well, whatever it is, he's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention" Klaus replied and went to Alaric's room where he had kept all his stuff.

Elijah was quietly observing the two and was irritated with Stefan's demand. He needs to meet his siblings and take the dagger out. Stefan opened his mouth to speak but Elijah beat him to it, "You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own"

"And so I shall" Klaus emerges behind him and puts a dagger through Elijah's heart, killing him instantly. He may have forgiven him for the act he did a few days ago, but he hasn't forgotten. His brother knew how desperately he wanted to become a hybrid and gain his memories, but he still betrayed him. He yearns to repeatedly dagger his brother, for what he has helped Mother and Father in snatching his memory and bidding his wolf side. Yet, this act offers him no solace, nor can it resurrect his little wolf.

Stefan looks at Klaus with unsure eyes, as he is not sure anymore if he will help him or not. Klaus grabbed Stefan and pushed him to the wall and asked, "Now, what am I gonna do with you?"

He puts a stake through him, just below his heart. He quietly whispers in his ears, "Do you feel that? It's scraping against your heart. The slightest little movement and you're dead."

It's been a while since he had been touring with Stefan for his own sick pleasure, but he still doesn't feel satisfied. So, he asked Katherine to take his blood to Damon. He knew she had been taking vervain, and he wanted Stefan to learn a lesson. He made a deal with Stefan: if he gives the cure, then Stefan has to come with him. He took Stefan with him to go on a hybrid hunt, but it turned out to be a complete failure. He didn't understand why this happened. He thought he wouldn't be alone finally, but in the end, he is alone. He decides to visit Gloria, knowing she will give him an answer. As the days pass, he puts his head into making hybrids, thinking that at least this will stop the pain and void, but her memories haunt him. He cherishes those memories, but he can't help but think about how his life would have been if he were just a werewolf. He would have started a family with Andrea. Even when he tries to paint, all he can see are her hazel eyes.

He thought that maybe starting an affair would make him forget her, but it didn't help. He rarely feels anything now. At first, Caroline used to amuse him, but soon she became annoying. He sent her an invitation to the ball with a gorgeous dress and bracelet, thinking she wouldn't turn him down. Turns out he was wrong; his brother Finn invited her, thinking he would take revenge by inviting Caroline. But he didn't feel anything; he just let them be.

Things have been fine lately except his siblings are not with him and his hybrid is planning some kind of revolt. It's cute they think, they can get away from him. He was going to the lockwood mansion to have a meeting with his hybrid, when he came across a familiar smell- the same lilac and vanilla, but it had a hint of wisteria with it too. He directly walked into the room where the smell was coming from; he stopped in his tracks when he saw the figure in the room. Her back was toward him but he would recognize her from any angel.


Hayley had come to meet Tyler, or more accurately, to unsire the hybrids and offer them as a sacrifice so that she could find her family. She was in Tyler's living room, looking at his family picture and thinking about how nice it would be to have a family when she heard a man say, "Andrea."

She placed the photo frame back in its place and turned around to see who had arrived. A gorgeous man was standing in front of her with blond hair, but what stood out to her were his blue eyes. Before she could even think or speak, the man grabbed her and whisked her out of the house with such speed that she felt dizzy. She noticed they were in a forest, but the blond man pinned her to a tree and asked,

"Who the fuck are you?"    

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